Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lord Peter Wimsey- Guide for Young Adults

I tried to introduce some teens to Dorothy Sayers and found they struggled with locations and terms. I suggested that when they found a term they didn't know that they should find a definition on the Internet and I would post the information here.
Using the Avon editions in paperback from 1961. Maybe this will be helpful to others.

Whose Body . 1923. Avon, 1961.

Piccadilly Circus. p.7.
Savile Club. p.7.
Battersea. p.9.
Eton. p. 9.
Balliol. p. 9.
'beautiful Malacca walking stick.', p. 11.
Joseph Chamberlain (July 8, 1836-July 2, 1914.)
p. 16.
Harold Skimpole. p.18.
houris. p. 20.
Chesterfield sofa. p. 20.
Sèvres vases. p. 20.
Adolph Beck, John Smith. p. 22.
Ritz. p. 22.
Ingoldsby Legends. p. 23.
acushla. p.26.
golden mean. p.37.
golden ass. p.37.
Ishmaels. p.43.
"Letters of a Self-made Merchant to his Son." p.49.[1903 best-seller by George Horace Lorimer].
three-hat trick. p.52. [cricket term].
[Salisbury] Close. p. 79.

William Morris. p. 97.
Leon Kestrel, the Master-Mummer. p.106.
puss-in-the-corner. p. 111.
blatherskite: "A babbling, foolish person." p. 113.
Music Halls, p.136. Music Hall Society.
Socrates' slave.p. 151.