Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Progressive Librarians Guild. Documents Appearing in Progressive Librarian, 1990-1999.

Progressive Librarians Guild. Documents appearing in the journal, Progressive Librarian, 1990-1999.

“Documents” 2.41-49, 4.37-52, 6/7. 64-69, 8.74-80, 10/11. 83-89,12/13. 49-68, 14.47-50, 15. 62-67

“Address to the United Nations, 11/26/90 by Joseph Reilly,” 2.41-44

“Closed Stacks at the Library of Congress: A Historian Responds,” 6/7.64-67

“The Cultural Boycott,” 4.51-52

“A Declaration of Cultural Human Rights: Draft,” 4.38-46

“Few Voices, Many Worlds,” 4.46-47

“From France: Libraries Losing Their Reason,” 12/13. 63-68

“LIWO and the South African Unification Debate,” 10/11.87-89

“LIWO Resolution on Censorship and Freedom of Information,” 2.46-47

“LIWO Resolution on the Academic and Cultural Boycott,” 2.45-46

“LIWO Statement to IFLA,” 4.48-50

“LIWO’s Guiding Principles, 2.44

“Letter Against Bombing of Iraq; 12/16/98” 15. 65-66

“Librarians Against War” An Open Letter. 2/28/98” 14.47-50

“MSRRT Persian Gulf Resolution, 1/91,” 2.48-49

“Manifesto of Avant-Garde Librarianship,” 8.79-80

“The Media Charter of the African National Congress,” 8.74-76

“Middle East” “PLG Press Release on Gulf Crisis, 9/90, 2.47-48

“Notes from the Front Lines at SFPL,” 12/13. 60-62

“PLG Press Release on Gulf Crisis, 9/90,” 2.47-48

“A Program for Library Change in Sweden,” 5.31-34

“Remarks on Racism, International Relations and Librarianship,” 15. 62-64

“Resolution on the Importance of Freedom of Expression and Free Access to Information, “ 10/11. 83-85.

“Resolution on New Statesman and Society,” 8.77-78

“Resolution on New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library,” 10/11.86

“Resolution on the Library of Congress,”-American Historical Association, 6/7. 68-69

“South Africa.” “Address to the United Nations, 11/26/90 by Joseph Reilly,” 2.41-44

“Speech by Wayne Kelly, the Superintendent of Documents, to the Federal Documents Task Force at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting in Washington, DC,” Feb. 15, 1997, 12/13. 49-53

“Statement of Robert L. Oakley, Director of the Law Library and professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Edward B.Williams Law Library on Behalf of the American Library Association, American Association of Law Libraries, Association of Research Libraries, Special Libraries Association before the Subcommittee on Legislative House Committee Appropriations on the FY 1998 Appropriations for the Government Printing Office, February 12, 1997.” 12/13. 53-59

“Statement and Resolution to the IFLA Conference, Moscow, August, 1991,” 4.48-50

“World Bank Protest Letter; 6/29/98), 15.67

Progressive Librarian. Book Reviews. 1990-1999.

Progressive Librarian is a forum for critical perspectives in Librarianship, featuring articles, book reviews, bibliographies, reports and documents that explore progressive perspectives on librarianship and information issues.

Book Reviews

Issues #1-16

The Alienated Librarian (1989), 2.55-58

Class Warfare in the Information Age (1998), 16.63-66

Columbus, His Enterprise (1976, 1991), 5.40-41

Confronting Columbus (1992), 4.42

The Conquest of Paradise (1990), 5.41-42

Dangerous Memories: Invasions and Resistance Since 1942 (1991), 5.42-43

Information Liberation (1998), 16.66-70

Into the Future: The Foundations of Library and Information Science in the Post-Industrial Era (1993), 10/11. 92-96

Librarianship and Legitimacy: The Ideology of the Public Library Inquiry (1997), 15.54-58

McLibel: Burger Culture on Trial
(1997), 15.59-61

The Myth of the Electronic Library: Librarianship and Social Change in America (1994), 12/13. 69-70

Multicultural Folktales: Stories to Tell Young Children (1991), 5.44-46

The Right to Know (1990), 3.532-53

Poor People and Library Services (1998), 16.70-72

Taking Liberties: National Barriers to the Free Flow of Ideas (1990),4.66-69

Progressive Librarian -Acr0nyms Used- 1990-1999

Progressive Librarian is a forum for critical perspectives in Librarianship, featuring articles, book reviews, bibliographies, reports and documents that explore progressive perspectives on librarianship and information issues.

Acronyms & Initialisms


AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science

AAP Association of American Publishers

AAUP American Association of University Professors

ABC African Books Collective

ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries

AILS African Imprint Library Services

AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

AKRIBIE Arbeitskreis Kritischer BibliotharInnen

ALASA African Library Association of South Africa

ALIA Australia Library & Information Association

ALP Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World

ANC African National Congress

APT Alternative Press Titles for Libraries


BAFF Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenforschungseinrichtungen

BAU Bibliotekerarbejdslos

BiS Bibliotek i Samhalle


CIA Central Intelligence Agency (U.S.)

CIRA Centre internationale de recherches sur l’Anarchisme

CDH-S Centro de Documentacón Histórico-Social/Atenue Enciclopèdic Popular

CNN Cable News Network

CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo

COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions

COSH groups Committees on Occupational Health and Safety

CSCE Council for Security and Cooperation in Europe

CWS Corporate Wannabee Syndrom


DAC Department of Arts and Culture. African National Congress

EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (US)

EDUCOM July 1, 1998, EDUCOM merged with Cause to become EDUCAUSE

EP Editora Politica

EU European Union


FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica

FAL Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo

FARA Foreign Agents Registration Act

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (U.S.)

FFBIZ Frauenforschungs, Bildungs, und Informtationszentrum Berlin

FICEDL Fédération internationale des centres d’ etude et de documentation libertaire

FID International Federation for Documentation

FMC Federation of Cuban Women

FOIA Freedom of Information Act (U.S.)

FSS Fundación de Estidios Libertarios Salvador Seguí


G-7 Seven industrialized nations (Canada, , France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom), United States of America (later became the G8 with Russia)

GATS General Agreement on Trade and Services


HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus


IAEA International Atomic Energy Authority

IAI International African Institute

IAMCR International Association of Mass Communication Research

IALHI International Association of Labour History Institutions

IBM International Business Machines

ICAIC Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos

IFF Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe Frauenforschung: Dokumentation-Information-Archiv Bielefeld

IFLA International Federation of Library Associations

ILAD Turkish Communication Research Association

IMF International Monetary Fund

IPS Inter-Press Service

ISC Information for Social Change

ITU International Telecommunications Union

IWW International Workers of the World


JURIS Weslaw databse


KLA Kosovo Liberation Army

KRIBIBI Arbeitskreis Kritischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare im Renner-Institut


LEXIS Lexis now LexisNexis, provider of comprehensive information and business solutions in a variety of areas— legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting, academic.

LIWO Library and Information Workers Organization (South Africa)

LSG LIWO Support Group


MIL Iberian Liberation Movement

MLB Major League Baseball

MSSRT Minnesota Library Association Social Responsibilities Round Table

MTV Music Television


NAM Non-Aligned Movement

NASM National Air and Space Museum

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBA National Basketball Association

NERL Northeast Research Libraries Network

NFL National Football League

NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations

NHL National Hockey League

NII National Information Infrastructure

NOTIS A Library Management System (computer)

NREN National Research and Education Network

NUMMI New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.

NWICO New World Information and Communications Order

NYCOSH compiler of COSH Group directory



OAS Organization of African Unity

OCLAE La Organización Continental Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes

OCLC Online Computer Library Center (founded 1967; name changed from Ohio College Library Center in 1981)

OMB Office of Management and Budget (U.S.)

ON Operation Namibia

OSPAAAL Organización de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Asia, Africa y América Latina

ÖTV Öffentlich Dienst Transport und Verkehr


PANA Pan-African News Agency

PC political correctness

PDS Social Democratic Party (Brazil)

PLG Progressive Librarians Guild

PLGNet Progressive Librarians Guild Discussion List

PT Brazilian Worker’s Party



RBOCs Regional Bell Operating Companies


SAB Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförening

SACP South African Communist Party

SAILIS South African Institute of Library and Information Science



SEGUEF Sociedad para el Estudio de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo


SOMAFCO Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College

SRRT Social Responsibilities Round Table


TAP Taxpayer Asset Project

TNCs Transnational corporations

TRANSLIS Transforming Our Library and Information Services


ULIS Unification of Library and Information Stakeholders


UNITA União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola)

USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(Soviet Union)


VDT Video Display Terminal


WIPO World Intellectual Property Association

WTO World Trade Organization




Progressive Librarian Index. 1990-1999

Progressive Librarian Index
Issues 1-16 Supplement.
completed February, 2007.

The Progressive Librarian is a forum for critical perspectives in Librarianship, featuring articles, book reviews, bibliographies, reports and documents that explore progressive perspectives on librarianship and information issues.

“1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure,” [AAUP] 12/13.8-9

21st Century, 12/13.43


See Circular A-76

See Circular A-130

See American Association for the Advancement of Science

See Association of American Publishers

AAP Report (1989)

See The Starvation of Young Black Minds

See American Association of University Professors

See African Books Collective

See American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries

See Asociación para el Estudio de los Exilos y Migraciones Ibéricas

AIDS, 5.19, 15.17

See African Imprint Library Services

See also American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

See Arbeitskreis Kritischer BibliotharInnen

“AKRIBIE: Arbeitskreis Kritischer Bibliothekarinnen/ Working Group of Critical Librarians, Germany,” 15.31-36

See African Library Association of South Africa

See Australia Library & Information Association

See Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World

AMC factory workers, 10/11.13-14

See African National Congress

“ANC Statement on Wedgeworth Trip to S. A.,” 1.29-30

AP, 3.12

See Alternative Press Titles for Libraries

“Abandoning care,” 10/11.11-12

“Abandoning share,” 10/11.11

“Abridgement of Human Rights in South Africa,” American Library Association Council Resolution, 1986, 1.18

Academic Book Center, 12/13. 39-40

Academic freedom, 9.23-9.25, 12/13. 8-9

Academic librarians, 14.13

Academic libraries, 4.28-36, 12/13. 7-17

Academic Press, 12/13.37

Access to communications, 4.42

“Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights” 12/13. 7-17.

Access to libraries, 3.38

Acción (Asturias), 16. Supp. 37

Accountability of governments, 9.1-9.15

Accreditation, 10/11.3-4

Achtenberg, Roberta, 15.10

Ackerman, Marilyn, 5. Inside cover, 44-46

An Active Instrument of Propaganda: The American Public Library During World War I (1989), 4.66

Actors Equity, 2.19

Adams, Don, 4.45

Added Entries, 1.36-1.42, 2.50-59, 3.52-56, 6/7. 52-63, 8. 40-73, 14.51-53, 15.51- 53, 16.51-62

“Address to the United Nations,” 11/26/90 by Joseph Reilly, 2.41-44, 15.25

Adorno, Theodor, 6/7. 32-38, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49

Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World, 10/11.79

Advertising, 3.9, 16.31

Advocacy, 3.36, 16. 1-25

Affirmative action, 4.3-4

Africa, 3.43-51, 9.16-21
See also names of specific nations such as Angola, South Africa, Zimbabwe

Africa News, 16.47

Africa World Press, 4.28-36

African-American artists, 8.66

African-American librarians, 15.62-64

African-Americans, 8.69

African Books Collective, 3.44

African Communist, 1.32, 2.30

African Imprint Library Services, 3.46

African Journal Distribution Program, 3.44

African Library Association of South Africa, 10/11.89

African Libraries: Western Tradition and Colonial Brainwashing (1981), 9.19

African National Congress, 1.3, 1.4, 1.10-12, 1.16, 1.17, 1.19, 1.21, 1.25-28, 1.29-30, 1.35, 2.31, 2.32, 2.34, 2.35, 2.36, 2.38, 2.41-44, 3.21, 3.22, 4.37, 4.51-52, 5.47, 9.6, 9.11, 9.36-37, 15.22
Department of Arts and Culture, 4.51-52

Africa’s Transkei: The Political Economy of an “Independent” Bantustan (1983). 4.31-32

Against the Current, 16.47

The Age of Imperialism: the Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy (1969), 16.38

Agee, Philip, 4.67-68

“Agenda for Action” [National Information Infrastructure], 16.35

Agnostics, 14.3

Agre, Phil, 12/13.1-6, 12/13. 76

AGRICOLA, 12/13. 41

Air and Space Museum
See National Air and Space Museum

Air Force Association, 10/11.60-78

Alagoas (Brazil), 6/7.60

Albania, 16.43

Albright, Madelaine, 14.1

Alcón, Marcos, 16.Supp. 30

Aldrig Mere Kring [Never More War] Danish Section of WRI, 15.48

Alemna, Anabe, 9.16-21, 9. Inside back cover

Alfonso XIII, King (Spain), 16/Supp.4

Algren, Nelson, 1.40

The Alienated Librarian (1989) review, 2.55-58

Alienation, 2.55-2.58, 6/7. 34-35

All American Anarachist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement (1998)

All the Livelong Day: The Meaning and Demeaning of Routine Work (1994), 9.30

Allen, Adela Artole, 5.44-46

Allende Popular Unity government, 16.32-33

Alliance for America, 6/7. 11

Alliance for Cultural Democracy, 3.15, 4.37, 4.38-45

Allbemeiner Deutscher Frauenverein (General German Women’s Association), 8.21

Alterman, Eric, 16.40, 16.45, 16.51

Alternative Information Record, 15.42-43

Alternative News Service, 3.21

Alternative Library Literature: A Biennial Anthology (1984-present), 15.9

Alternative Press Index, 16.37-50, 16.57

Alternative Press Titles for Libraries, 6/7. 72

Alternatives, 16.47

Amadi, A. O., 9.19

Amana (publisher), 4.28-36

Amendment Two (Colorado), 15.10

AmericaOnline, 12/13.29

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 5. Inside front cover

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 3.43

American Association of University Professors, 2.26, 12/13.8

American Book Review 4.35

American Civil Liberties Union, 2.26, 3.38

American dream, 10/11.14

American Ex-Prisoners of War, 10/11. 63

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
4.53-58, 6/7.2
Local 2910, 6/7.2

American Federation of Teachers, 2.26

American Friends Service Committee, 2.49

American Historical Association, 6/7.2, 6/7. 68-69

American Legion, 10/11. 60-78

American Libraries, 1-Inside back cover, 5.8-10, 6/7.18, 12/13.10, 15.1-3

“The American Library Association Needs a Progressive Agenda,” 8.81-8.85

American Library Association
ACONDA, 15.5, 15.8
Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Concepts Denoted by the Term, “Primitive,” 1.39
African American discrimination against, 15. 62-64
Association of College and Research Libraries, 1.20, 4.34-35, 4.36
Black Caucus, 1.20, 15.62
Book reviewing policies, 4.34-35
Code of Professional Ethics, 12/13. 40
Commercialism, 8.82
Conference, 1946, 2.25
Conference, 1986, 3.32
Conference, 1989, 3.32
Conference, 1990, 2.2, 3.32-33
Conference, 1992, 4.66
Conference, 1998, 15.67
Corporatism, 8.81
Council, 1.18, 14.1
“Abridgement of Human Rights in South Africa,” res.1986, 1.18
Divests South African investments, 1.18
Executive Board, 14.1-4
Executive Director, 8.81
“Feel-good sloganeering,” 8.81
Human rights record of support, 8.84
Intellectual Freedom Committee, 1.2, 1.7, 1.10, 1.12, 8.83, 15.5
Intellectual Freedom Round Table, 10/11.69-70
International Relations Committee, 1.20, 3.49, 15.62-64
International Relations Round Table, 1.20, 10/11. 62
International Visitors Reception (protest), 15.67
Keeney, Philip-non support of, 2.26-27
Library Bill of Rights, 1.35
Library History Round Table, 15.55
Membership meetings, 14.3
Minority Concerns, 1.36
Office of Intellectual Freedom, 8.83, 10/11.69-70
“Pass a Buck,” 10/11.67
Poor People’s Policy, 3.4, 3.32-33
Postwar planning, 15.54-58
Ford, Barbara J. 15.63
Jones, Clara, 15. 63
Moon, Eric, 15.63
Symons, Anne, 14.3-4

Progressive Librarians Council relations with, 2.23
Racism within, 15. 62-64
Resolution on Israeli Censorship, 14.3
Sanctions against South Africa, 1.6-7, 2. Inside front cover, 2.41-44
Silencing of political statements, 14.1-4
Social Responsibilities Round Table
See Social Responsibilities Round Table
Status of Women in Librarianship, Committee, 8.11
Third Activities Committee, 2.23

American Newspaper Association, 6/7.17

Amoros, Solon, 16. Supp. 14

Anarchism, 16. Supp. 1-40

Anarchism & Libraries,
special supplement to Progressive Librarian #16, fall, 1999

Anarchisme, 16. Supp. 16

Anarchist Federation, 16. Supp. 18

Anarchist librarians, 16. Supp. 7-10, 16. Supp.11-17

Anarchist publishers, 16.66, 16.Supp. 3

Anarchists, 15.60-61, 16.Sup.1-39

“Anarchists in Libraries: Anecdotes,” 16.Sup. 1-6

“Anarchists with a Tool: The Library,” 16.Supp. 18-20

Anarchives, 16. Supp.16, 16.Supp. 30-39

Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, the United States and the Modern Historical Experience (1985), 16.39

“Ancient Book-binder,” 14.cover

Androcentric, 5.1-18

Anderson, Carlotta, 16. Supp. 10

Anderson, Elizabeth, 1.36

Andres, Emilio, 2.24

Andres, Teresa, 2.24

Angola, 9.5, 9.8

Ann Arbor Public Library, 3.38

Annan, Kofi, 14.1

Antich, Salvador Puig, 16. supp. 38

Anti-Allende, 16.32

Anti-American propaganda, 10/11.65

Anti-apartheid, 1.2, 1.18-19, 1.30-31, 4.37

Anti-censorship, 15.16

Anti-capitalist, 3.9

Anti-democratic, 12/13/ 47

Anti-ecology, 8.70

Anti-environmentalists, 6/7.11

Anti-feminist (Blaise Cronin), 10/11.3

Anti-imperialism, 3.6

Anti-intellectualism, 14.5-12

Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (1963), 14.5-6

Anti-Japanese propaganda, 10/11.65

Anti-McDonald’s, 15.59-61

Anti-Nuclear Librarians Club, 15.48

Anti-poverty, 1.36-37

Anti-racism, 3.6, 15.16

Anti-social responsibility (Blaise Cronin), 10/11/2-3

Anti-surveillance, 16.67-68

Anti-utopian view of technology, 10/11.9-10

Anti-Vietnam War, 16. 37

Anti-war, 2.47-48

The Anvil, 1.40

Anyplace But Here (1966)

Apartheid, 1.2-15, 1.18,1.21-24, 1.25-28, 1.30, 2.31, 2.41-44, 3.4, 4.17-27, 4.49- 50, 9.5, 9.12, 10/11. 79-80, 10/11. 87-89, 15.9, 15.16, 15. 21, 15.23, 15. 63

Appeal to Reason, 16. Supp. 9

Arab League, 2.48

Arab-Americans, 5.30

Arabs, 5.26-30

Arafat, Yasir, 4.67

“Arbeitskreis Kritischer Bibliothekarinnen,” 8.32-35, 15. 31-36

Arbeitskreis Kritischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare
im Renner-Institut (KRIBIBI), 15. 37-40

“Archive ‘Memorial’ St. Petersburg, Russia,” 14.51-53

Archive of the German Women’s Movement, Kassel, 8.26

“Archives and Libraries of Women’s Literature in Germany: A Survey,” 8.21- 31

Area Handbooks, 5.29

Arena Magazine, 16.47

Arena Party (Brazil), 6/7. 60

Arendt, Hannah, 5.13

Argentina, 16. Supp.11-17

Argentine Libertarian Federation, 16. supp.11

Argentine Regional Labor Federation, 16. supp.11

Ariege, F.L. de la, 16. Supp. 36

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 16.41

Arnold, General Hap, 10/11/62-78

Aronowitz, Stanley, 6/7. 41-43, 10/11.28


Asociación Isaac Puente, 16. Supp. 34

Asociación para el Estudio de los Exilos y Migraciones Ibéricas, 16. Supp. 33

Association of College and Research Libraries,
See American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries

Armitage, Andrew, 15.1

Article 19 (organization), 10/11. 81-82.

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
See Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Arts, 4.42-43, 6/7. 34-35

Arrea, Dominguo Fernandex, 16. Supp. 18

Ascaso, Francisco, 16.Supp. 3, 16.Supp. 4

Asmal, Kader, 9.5

Ashtown, library, (South Africa), 2.41-2.44

Association of American Publishers, 1.2, 1.7-8, 1.10, 1.16, 1.18-20, 1.33, 2.41

Atenue Enciclopèdic Popular (Barcelona), 16. Supp. 36,

Atheists, 14.3, 16.Supp. 26-27

Atlestam, Ingrid, 15.30

Atom bomb, 10/11.60-78

Attention, MOVE! This is America! , 4.35

Australia, 4.19, 9.7-8, 9.14fn.28, 16.10

Australia Library & Information Association, 16.13

Austria, 15. 37-40

Austrian Federation of Trade Unions, 15. 37, 15.39

Austrofascism, 15. 37

Autodidact, 16.Supp.6

Autonomous Women’s Archive Wiesbaden-Research and Education Institute, 8.24

Autonomous Women’s Movement (Germany), 8.24-25

Awatere, Donna, 16.22


See Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenforschungseinrichtungen

See Bibliotekerarbejdslos

See Boletín Interno del Centro de Estudion Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo

See Bibliotek i Samhalle

Baby Bells
See Regional Bell Operating Companies

Bagdikian, Ben, 2.10, 3.16-17, 3.53

Baker, James, 2.44

Baker, Nicholson, 12/13.36, 12/13. 60

Baker & Taylor, 12/13. 37-39

Bakunin, Mikhail Alexandrovich, 16. Supp.18

Balabanian, Norman, 10/11.45-46, 48

Balaguer Library (Vilanova), 16. Supp. 27

Baldwin, Roger, 16. Supp. 9

Balkans, 16.43

Bangemann Report, 12/13. 45, 12/13. 46

Bantu education, 4.49

Bandung, Indonesia, 3.24

Barlow, John H., 9.33

Barnet, Richard, 16.37, 16.51

Barriers to Information: How Formal Help Systems Fail Battered Women (1993), 10/11. 97

“The Battle of the Enola Gay,” 10/11.65

Bäumer, Gertrud, 8.13

Bear River Massacre, 1863, 5.39

Beatles, 6/7. 49

Bell, Daniel, 2.3, 2.9, 10/11.23-42, 10/11.92

Beirut Agreement (1949), 4.68

Beloved (1989), 6/7. 49

Benjamin, Walter, 6/7. 35-36, 6.43, 6. 46, 8. 69

Benson, Mary, 3.32

Berelson, Bernard, 15.55

Berlin City Archive, 8.25

Berlin Wall, 3.26

Berlin Women’s Organization, 8.25

Berkman, Alexander, 16. Supp. 8

Berman, Sanford, 1. Inside cover, 1.38-38, 1.42, 5. Inside cover, 5.19-25, 12/13.41, 14.2, 15.9, 15.42, 16.60

Berne Copyright Convention, 12/13. 19

Berninghausen, David K. 15.4-13
Misrepresentation of SRRT, 15.8

Berninghausen Debate, 15.4-13

Bernstein, Hilda, 9.5-6

Besançon, Municipal Library, 16.Sup.1

Bettini, Leonardo, 16. Supp. 16

Betser, Charles, 2.33

Bianco, Réne, 16.Supp.16

Biblografia del anarquismo español, 16. Supp. 32

Bibliography of Anarchy, 16. Supp.13

Bibliography of Overseas Publications about South Africa, 1.4

Bibliography of Spanish Anarchism, 16. Supp. 32

Biblioteca juventud moderna (Mar del Plata), 16. Supp.12

Biblioteca National Jose Marti, 15.53

Biblioteca Pública Arús, 16. supp. 37

Biblioteca Popular José Ingenieros (Buenos Aires), 16. supp.11

Biblioteca Social Reconstruir (Mexico City), 16. Supp, 19, 16.Supp. 22, 16.Supp. 30-31
See also, Library of Social Reconstruction, 16.Supp. 22, 16.Supp. 30

Bibliothe’que Municipale de Strasbourg, 12/13.63-68

Bibliotek i Samhalle, Sweden [Libraries in Society] (BIS), 5.31-34, 15.22, 15.25, 15. 27-30, 15.32

Bibliotekerarbejdslos, 15.46

Bibliotekarer for Fred, 15.48

Big Mountain, 5.43

Biggs, Mary, 5.1

Bilingual education, 5.44

Bill of Rights, 5.49

Billington, James, 6/7. 64-67

Birdsall, William F., 12/13. 69-70, 15. 14-15

Bis (journal of BiS, Bibliotek i Samhalle], 15.28

Bischof, Phyllis, 9.36-37

Black Caucus of the American Library Association, 1.20, 15.62

Black Hills, 5.39

Black History, 1.40

“Black on Black” violence (South Africa), 2.37, 2.38

Black Library Workers, 15.45

Black Swan Press, 8.40-65

“Black Widow,” –Autonomous Women’s Research Office Münster, 8.24, 8.26

Blacklisted authors, 3.3

Blake, Fay. 3.34-35

Blanke, Henry T., 2. Inside front cover, 2.9-14, 2.55-58, 2.59, 3. Inside front cover, 3.15, 3.52-53, 3.55, 4.2, 5. Inside front cover, 6/7. Inside front cover, 6/7.1, 6/7. 30-51, 6/7. 70, 8. Inside front cover, 9. Inside front cover, 10/11. Inside front cover, 10/11. 92-96, 10/11.97, 12/13. Inside front cover, 14. Inside front cover, 15. Inside front cover, 15.15, 16. Inside front cover, 16.Sup. i

Bleifuss, Joel, 16.40, 16.46

Bloom, Allan, 2.3, 4.3

Blue Ribbon Coalition, 6/7.11

Bly, Robert, 8.37

Bogartte, J. Karl, 8.37

Boletín de la Escuela Moderna, 16.Supp. 37

Boletín Interno del Centro de Estudion Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo, 16. Supp. 35

Boletín de Militares del frente de Aragón, 16. Supp. 37

Bontemps, Arna, 1.40

Bopape, Stanza, assassinated, 9.3

Book Aid, 15. 46

Book-binder’s Rolling Machine, [illustration]” from the Penny Magazine, December 31, 1833, 12/13. Cover and inside front cover

“Book Boycott” (South Africa), 1. 2-15,1.16-17, 1.18-20, 2.43, 2.45-46

Book burners, 4.6

Book donations, 3.43-51

Book famine (South Africa), 3.43-51, 9.16

“The Book Famine in Africa,” 3.43-51

Book Reviews
The Alienated Librarian (1989), 2.55-58
Class Warfare in the Information Age (1998), 16.63-66
Columbus, His Enterprise (1976, 1991), 5.40-41
Confronting Columbus (1992), 4.42
The Conquest of Paradise (1990), 5.41-42
Dangerous Memories: Invasions and Resistance since 1942 (1991), 5.42-43
Information Liberation (1998), 16.66-70
Into the Future: The Foundations of Library and Information Science in the Post-Industrial Era (1993), 10/11. 92-96
Librarianship and Legitimacy: The Ideology of the Public Library Inquiry (1997), 15.54-58
McLibel: Burger Culture on Trial (1997), 15.59-61
The Myth of the Electronic Library: Librarianship and Social Change in America (1994), 12/13. 69-70
Multicultural Folktales: Stories to Tell Young Children (1991), 5.44-46
The Right to Know (1990), 3.532-53
Poor People and Library Services (1998), 16.70-72
Taking Liberties: National Barriers to the Free Flow of Ideas (1990), 4.66-69

Book selection, 4.28-36, 5.1-18

Booklist, 4.35

Books as war booty, 15.34

Books for College Libraries, 4.35

Books for Sammies, 15.57-58

Books for the People: An Illustrated History of the British Public Library (1977), 6/7. Inside front cover

Boorstin, Daniel, 6/7. 39-42

Booth, Wayne, 4/6

Bork, Robert, 9.24

Bosnia, 16.42

Bostwick, Arthur, 10/11.51-52

Botha, P.W., 2.36

Bourdieu, Pierre, 14. 14-15

Bouthiller, France, 14.13-21, 14.54

Boy Scouts of America, 14.3

Brace, William, 15.2

Braverman, Harry, 10/11. 25-32

Braverman thesis, 10/11.26

Bray, John Francis, 16. Supp.9

Brazil, 6/7. 52-61

Brazilian Worker’s Party, 6/7.2, 52-61

Brecht, Bertolt, 6/7. 43

Breivik, Patricia Senn, 12/13.12, 12/13.13

Bremen Women’s Archive and Documentation Center “Belladona,” 8.24

Breton, André, 8.36, 8.69, 8.71, 8.72

Briarpatch, 16.48

Brisbane, 16.3-4

British Guiana, 16.38

Broadbent, 16.7-8

Broderick, Dorothy M., 15.10

Brown, Aggrey, 3.13

Brown, Michael Barrett, 16.42

Browsing, 6/7. 65

Bruno Kreisky Award, 15.40

Brutus, Dennis, 2.41

De Bruyn, Günter, 8.10

Bryan, Alice I. 15. 55

Buchanan, Pat, 3.26, 5.37, 10/11.71

Budd, John, 10/11, 43-59, 10/11.97

Bulfi, Luis, 16. Supp. 36

Bulletin in Defense of Marxism, 16.47

Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 16.41, 16.45, 16.47

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 16.29, 16.47

Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 15.33

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenforschungseinrichtungen (National Committee of Autonomous Women’s Research Centers), 8.28

Bundy, Mary lee, 3.35, 4.17

Burchinal, Lee, 6/7.16

Burns, John F., 1.26-27

Buschman, John, 3.5-3.23, 3.55, 5. Inside front cover, 5.51-52, 6/7.1, 6/7. 15- 29, 6/7. 30, 6/7. 70, 8.9, 9.inside front cover, 9.22-35, 9. Inside back cover, 10/11. Inside front cover, 10/11. 1-4, 10/11. 94, 12/13. Inside front cover, 12/13. 7-17, 12/13. 38, 12/13. 76, 14. Inside front cover, inside front cover, 15.3, 16.71

Bush, George Herbert Walker [41], 2.3, 2.11, 2.48-49, 3.5, 3.14, 3.15, 3.28, 3.52, 5.37, 6/7.18, 9.25-26, 10/11.94, 15. 10

Bush, George Herbert Walker [41], Presidential Library, 9.25

Buthelezi, Mangosuthu Gatsha, 1.27, 1.38


CD-ROM, 4.47-50, 6/7. 25, 6/7. 65

CIA, 3.22

CIRA, 16. Supp. 11-17
See also Centre internationale de recherches sur l’Anarchisme

See Centro de Documentacón Histórico-Social/Atenue Enciclopèdic Popular

CNN, 3.12

CNT, 15.51, 16. Supp.3, 16. Supp, 4, 16. Supp. 19, 16.Supp.21, 16.Supp. 25-26

See Congress of South African Trade Unions

COSH groups (Committees on Occupational Health and Safety), 4.61-63

Council for Security and Cooperation in Europe

CWS (Corporate Wannabee Syndrome), 14.8-9

Cablevision, 4.42

Cadastral Registry, 16. Supp.11-17

Calhoun, Jack, 16.46

Camacho, Diego
See Paz, Abel

Canada, 2.20, 3.26, 10/11.6-9, 15.17-18
Adv.Committee on a Telecommunications Strategy for Ontario, 10/11.7

Canadian, Advanced Technology Association, 10/11.8

Canadian Information Processing Society, 10/11.8

Cape Resource Centre Forum, 4.50

Capital & Class, 16.43

Capitalism, 2.10, 2.55-2.58, 3,24-30, 5.48, 6/7.1, 32-35, 41-49, 8.69, 10/11. 10, 10/11. 14-15, 10/11.26-27, 10/11.36-37, 10/11.94, 12/13. 47, 15.18, 16.27, 16.41, 16.Supp. 26

Capitalism Nature Socialism, 16. 42

Carbone, Michael, 6/7. 19-20

Card catalog, 3.23, 12/13.36

Caribbean Institute of Mass Communications, 3.13

Carnegie libraries, 4.22

Carroll, Berenice, 5.12

Carter, James (U.S, president, 1977-1981 1.6

Castilla Libre, 16. Supp. 37

Castro, Fidel, 16.41

Catalog, 5.19-25

Cataloguing Consumers Network, 1.38-1.39

Catalog reform, 15.46

Catalonia, 16.Supp. 27-28

Catalunya, 16.Supp.5, 16. Supp. 22

Catholic Church (complicity in destruction of American Indian cultures, 8.70

Cauer, Minna, 8.22

Cely, Carlos Mauricio, 16. Supp. 18-20, 16. supp. 40

“Censorship in South Africa in an Era of Glasnost,” 2.30-40.

Censorship, 3.2, 12/13. 32-44, 15.16
Enola Gay, 10/11/60-78
France, 12/13. 63-68
Israel, 2.52-54, 14.3
Middle East, 2.49
Montana, 2.26
Palestinian viewpoint, 5.28
Persian Gulf troops, 3.4
Reliance on mainstream publishers, 4.69
South Africa, 1. 2-15, 1.32, 2.30-40, 2.46-47, 8.74

Center for Civil Networking, 9.33

Center for Media Education, 9.33

Centre de Cultura Contemorà (Barcelona), 16. Supp. 36

Centre internationale de recherches sur l’Anarchisme, 16. Supp. 11-17

Centro de Documentacón Histórico-Social/Atenue Enciclopèdic Popular (Barcelona), 16.Supp. 19, 16. Supp. 36-39

Cervantes, Cánovas, 16. Supp.3

Chance, James, 16.41, 16.45, 16.51-52

Chaos, 16.Supp. 22

Chaplin, Ralph, 16. Supp. 9

Chauvinism, 4.40

Chicago Municipal Reference Library, 8.83

Chicago Public Library, 8.83-84

Chicago Public Library Advocates, 8.81-85

Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America, 5.43

Chicago-Surrealism, 8.36-39

“The Chicago Surrealist Group and Black Swan Press,” 8.40-65

Chicago World’s Fair (1933), 10/11.45-46

Childers, Thomas, 4.18

Children’s books, 1.9-10

Children’s folktales, 5.44-46

Chile, 16.32

China, 9.38

Chinese democracy movement, 5.47

Chivington Massacre
See Sand Creek Massacre

Choice, 4.28-36

Chomsky, Noam, 2.49, 3.53, 4.33-34, 16.41, 16.42, 16.45

Chossudovsky, Michael, 16.43

Chothia, Farouk, 3.33

Christian primacy, 1.39

Churchill, Ward, 5.42

Cinéma et anarchie, 16.Supp.16

Circulation records, 9.24

Circular A-76, 14.44

Circular A-130, 2.11, 2.14 FN 8, 3.17, 12/13. 58

Citicorp, 3.16

Civic role of libraries, 12/13.10

Civil Cooperation Bureau (South Africa), 2.36

La Civilisation surrealiste, 8.71

Civil rights, 8.74-80

Clandestine press during Nazi occupation, 15.42, 15.45-46

Claremont (publisher. 4.28-36

Claridad, 16.48

Class culture, 3.2-3

Class struggle, 4.13, 10/11.15

Class war, 10/11.11

Class Warfare in the Information Age (1998), 16.63-66

Classism, 4.5, 12/13. 42

Clayton, Patti, 15.54-58

Cleis (publisher), 4.28-36

Cleyre, Voltairine de, 16.Supp. 9

Clinton, William Jefferson, 14.1, 15.10, 15. 65

Clinton administration
High tech communications, 16.34-35
Intellectual property, 12/13.18-31
National Information Infrastructure, 14.30

Clinton-Gore, 16.35

“Clipper” chip, 9.32

Closed Stacks (Library of Congress), 6/7. 64-67

“Closed Stacks at the Library of Congress: A Historian Responds,” 6/7.64-67

Closing of the American Mind (1987) 4.3

Club Cinema, 2.28

Clynne-Canham, John, 16.40, 16.46

Cockburn, Alexander, 16.40, 16.45

Code, Lorraine, 5.12

Code of Professional Ethics, 12/13. 40

Coetzee, Dirk, 9.6

Cold war, 2.3-4, 3.5, 4.67, 10/11. 71-72

Cold war liberalism, 6/7. 31, 6/7. 37-41

Cold war rhetoric, 1.25

Cold war thinking, 3.53

Cole, Dana, 1.inside cover

Collection development, 12/13. 35-36

Collor de Mello, Fernando, 6/7. 52-61

Colón. Cristobal, 5.36-43

Colonialism, 1.18, 4.22, 9.18, 16.29

Colorado, Amendment Two, 15.10

Coloured (South Africa), 4.48

Columbus, Christopher, 5.36-43, 8.69-73

Columbus, His Enterprise (1976, 1991), 5.40-41

Columbus Quincentennial, 8.38, 8.69-73, 10/11.66

Columbus Quincentenary Commission, 5.36

Complicity of women, 8.18

Comic books, 2.17

Commercial culture as social control, 6/7. 32

Commercialization of information, 2.9-14, 10/11.94-95

Commercialization of libraries, 1. Inside front cover, 2.9-14, 2.58

The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting, (1973), 10/11.25, 10/11. 92

Comité Confederal, 16. Supp. 32

Commodification of information, 10/11.18-21, 10/11.94-95, 15.14-19, 6.34-36

Commonweal Collection in Bradford, UK, 15.48

Communications and Cultural Domination (1976), 16.32-33

Communism, 2.4, 3.9

Communist Party, Cuba, 15.51

Community for Creative Nonviolence, 3.32

Community information, 4.19

Community Information Service, 4.19-27

Community Librarianship: Changing the Face of Public Libraries (1982), 4.21

Community libraries, 4.17-27, 16.Supp.6

“Community Libraries: A Viable Alternative to the Public Library in South Africa,” 4.17-27

Community needs assessment, 1.37

Community, right to, 4.38-39

“Competing Visions of Library Service,” 14.13-21

Computer, 6/7.17

Computer industry, 3.5-23

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, 9.23, 9.33

Computerization of information, 16.33

Confederación General del Trabajo, 16.Supp.19, 16. Supp. 32

Confederación Nacional del Trabajo

“Conference Proceedings: ‘Social Responsibility around the World’ Sponsored by the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association, Washington, DC, June 28, 1998,” 15.20-50

The Confessions of a Revolutionary, 16.Supp.1

Confronting Columbus (1992), 4.42

Congo, 16.38

Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), 1.3, 1.20, 2.37, 3.22

Congress of South African Writers, 4.25

Congressional Record, 12/13. 57

Congressional Research Service, 4.57

Conqueror’s lexicography, 5.38

The Conquest of Bread (1906), 16.Supp. 2

The Conquest of Paradise (1990), 5.41-42

Conquistadors, 5.38, 5.40

Conroy, Jack, 1.41-41

Conscientious objector, 15.50

Conservative attack on poor and marginalized groups, 10/11.15

Conservative attack specialist (Blaise Cronin), 10/11.1

Consolidated List [South Africa-banned and listed persons]

Consumer culture, 2.2

The Contours of American History (1989), 16. 38-39

Contracted libraries, 14.44-46

Contributors, Notes on, 1.42, 2.59, 3. 55, 4.71, 5.inside front cover, 6/7. 70-71, 8.86

Cooke, Douglas, 16. Supp.11-17, 16.Supp. 30-39, 16. supp. 40

Cooper, Marc, 3.53

Copyright, 12/13.18-31

Cordova Congress, 16. Supp. 18-19

Corn, David, 16.40, 16.46

Cornell University, 1.35

“Corporate Inroads & Librarianship: The Fight for the Soul of the Profession in the New Millennium,” 12/13. 32-44

Corporate media, 3.23, 12/13.33, 16.26-36

Corporatism, 2.6, 6/7.15, 8.81, 12/13. 32-44, 14.8-9, 16.26-36

Corporatization of information, 3.16, 8.81, 16.26-36, 16.63-66

Council for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 16.43

Counter-Quincentennial, 5.36-43

“Coups and Earthquakes” syndrome, 3.8

Courage, 10/11.68

Courtney, Bryce, 16.23

Covert Action Quarterly, 16.40, 16. 43, 16.45, 16.46, 16.47, 16.57

Coyle, Karen, 14.22-33, 14.54

Cram, Jennifer, 16. 1-25, 16.73

Creitnon, Denis, 17.71

Creativity, 4.41, 16. 34

Croatia, 16.42

Crises Press, 4.71

Critical Approaches to Information Technology in Librarianship: Background and Perspectives (1993), 6/7. 70

Critical consciousness, 16.30-31

“Critical Education/ Popular Education,” 6/7. 62-63

Critical Sociology, 16.43

Critical thinking, 6/7.33

Cronin, Blaise [AKA Erudite Lite, Newt Grammbaugh, Melvil Pangloss], 10/11. 1-4
Self-promoting, 10/11.3-4

Crouch, Tom, 10/11.69

Cuauhtemoc, 8.69

Cuba, 1.35, 2.30, 3.26, 9.39-40, 15.51-53, 16.41, 16.56-57

Cuba Update, 16.47

Cuban Film Institute

“The Cuba Poster Project,” 15.51-53

Cultural and Academic Links with South Africa Symposium, 4.51

“The Cultural Boycott” (South Africa), 4.51-52

Cultural chauvinism, 4.40

Cultural democracy, 4.38-45, 6/7.30

Cultural imperialism, 8.70, 16.32

Cultural human rights, 4.38-45

Cultural pluralism, 4.41

Cultural production, 14.13-14

Culture, Inc.: The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression (1989), 16.34

Culture industry, 6/7. 32-35, 16.34

“The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception,“ 6/7. 32-33

“Culture Industry Reconsidered,” 6/7.32

Culture, Inc. (1989), 5.52

“The Culture Wars,” 4.3-4.6, 10/11.66, 10.11.71-72

Curricula (of universities) 4.3-6

Currin, Brian, 9.5

Curtis, Bruce, 15.17-18

Cushing, Lincoln, 15.51-53, 15.68

Cyprus, 2.48


See African National Congress, Department of Arts and Culture

D’Adamo, Charles, 16. 37-50, 16.51-65, 16.73

D’Souza, Dinesh, 4.3

Dain, Phyllis, 14.8, 15.57

Dallas Agencies Serving the Homeless, 3.34

Dallas Public Library, 3.34, 3.37

Danky, James, 15.9

Dangerous Memories: Invasions and Resistance since 1942 (1991), 5.43

Darch, Colin, 15.22

Databases, 12/13.18-31, 12/13. 40-41

“Dateline: South Africa,” 1.29-1.32

David, Henry, 16. Supp. 9

Day, Hem, 16. Supp. 14

“A Declaration of Cultural Human Rights: Draft,” 4.38-45

Decolonization, 3.7

Decontextualization, 10/11/54-55

DeGennaro, Richard, 1.34

“DeGennaro Calls S.A. Boycott "Mickey Mouse," 1.34

Deinstitutionalization, 3.31

DeJohn, William, 15. 4

de Klerk, F.W., 1.25, 1.26, 1.28, 1.30, 1.32, 2.30, 2.36, 2.39

Democracy, 1.8-9, 1.16-17, 1.36, 1.44, 2.13, 2.15, 2.23, 3.2-4, 4.6, 5.31-34, 5.35, 6/7.15, 8.74-80, 9.7, 12/13. 53-59

Democratic Party, 10/11.11

Democratization of database searching, 5.48

Democratization of communications, 4.47, 5.47-50, 16.34

Democratization of culture, 4.38-45, 5.31-34, 6/7.1

Den(t)räume,Hamburg, 8.26

Dennie, Joseph, 14.6

Deregulatory legislation, 16.27-28

DeSirey, Jan, 5.42

Deskilling, 10/11.25-30

Determinism, 10/11.48-55

Detroit, 8.66-68

Deutsche Demokratische Republik, 15.33

Dewey, John, 12/13.9, 12/13.15

Dewey, Melvil, 10/11/49-50

DIALOG, 6/7. 25

DiFazio, W., 10/11.28

Digitized culture, 6/7. 24-25

Directions, a Semi-annual publication of the Program on Communication and Development Studies at Northwestern University, 2.22

Discrimination, 1.36

The Disinherited (1933), 1.40

Dissent, 16.47

Diversity, 4.5

“Documents” 2.41-49, 4.37-52, 6/7. 64-69, 8.74-80, 10/11. 83-89,12/13. 49-68, 14.47-50, 15. 62-67
“Address to the United Nations, 11/26/90 by Joseph Reilly,” 2.41-44
“Closed Stacks at the Library of Congress: A Historian Responds,” 6/7.64-67
“The Cultural Boycott,” 4.51-52
“A Declaration of Cultural Human Rights: Draft,” 4.38-46
“Few Voices, Many Worlds,” 4.46-47
“From France: Libraries Losing Their Reason,” 12/13. 63-68
“LIWO and the South African Unification Debate,” 10/11.87-89
“LIWO Resolution on Censorship and Freedom of Information,” 2.46-47
“LIWO Resolution on the Academic and Cultural Boycott,” 2.45-46
“LIWO Statement to IFLA,” 4.48-50
“LIWO’s Guiding Principles, 2.44
“Letter against Bombing of Iraq; 12/16/98” 15. 65-66
“Librarians against War” An Open Letter. 2/28/98” 14.47-50
“MSRRT Persian Gulf Resolution, 1/91,” 2.48-49
“Manifesto of Avant-Garde Librarianship,” 8.79-80
“The Media Charter of the African National Congress,” 8.74-76
“Middle East” “PLG Press Release on Gulf Crisis, 9/90, 2.47-48
“Notes from the Front Lines at SFPL,” 12/13. 60-62
“PLG Press Release on Gulf Crisis, 9/90,” 2.47-48
“A Program for Library Change in Sweden,” 5.31-34
“Remarks on Racism, International Relations and Librarianship,” 15. 62-64
“Resolution on the Importance of Freedom of Expression and Free Access to Information, “ 10/11. 83-85.
“Resolution on New Statesman and Society,” 8.77-78
“Resolution on New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library,” 10/11.86
“Resolution on the Library of Congress,”-American Historical Association, 6/7. 68-69
“South Africa.” “Address to the United Nations, 11/26/90 by Joseph Reilly,” 2.41-44
“Speech by Wayne Kelly, the Superintendent of Documents, to the Federal Documents Task Force at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting in Washington, DC,” Feb. 15, 1997, 12/13. 49-53
“Statement of Robert L. Oakley, Director of the Law Library and professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Edward B. Williams Law Library on Behalf of the American Library Association, American Association of Law Libraries, Association of Research Libraries, Special Libraries Association before the Subcommittee on Legislative House Committee Appropriations on the FY 1998 Appropriations for the Government Printing Office, February 12, 1997.” 12/13. 53-59
“Statement and Resolution to the IFLA Conference, Moscow, August, 1991,” 4.48-50
“World Bank Protest Letter; 6/29/98), 15.67

Dodge, Chris, 4.42

Dominant culture, 4.40

Dominican Republic, 16.38

Donations, 3.43-51

Donovan, Michael 3.cover, 3.28, 3.30, 3.42, 3.51, 3.54, 4.70, 4.71

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” 15.10

Dougherty, Richard M. 14.8

Douglas, Susan, 16.46

Dowlin, Ken 12/13.60-62

Dreams of Dignity, Workers of Vision: A History of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (1991), 6/7. 70

Drew, Lisa, 1.7

Dubois, Barbara, 5.4-5

Dudley, Kathryn Marie, 10/11. 11-18

Duke, David, 5.37

Du Preez, Max, 2.33, 2.35

Durrani, Shiraz, 4.23

Durruti, Buenaventura, 16.Supp.3-4, 16. Supp.6, 16. Supp. 35, 16. supp. 38

Durruti in the Spanish Revolution, 16.Supp. 6

Dworkin, Andrea, 5.8

Dynix, 6/7.17


EDGAR, 9.34, 12/13.23

EDUCOM, 9.29

See Editora Politica

See European Union

E-mail, 9.23

Earth Island Institute, 6/7.11

Earth Resources Research (publisher), 4.28-36

Earth Summit (Rio), 6.7.13
See also United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992

East Germany, 8.32, 15.33

East Jerusalem, 2.48

Easter, David, 16.46

Eastern Europe, 8.70

Ecology, 6/7.10

Economic imperialism, 16. 38

The Economic Organism of the Revolution (1936), 16.Supp.4

Editora Politica, 15. Cover, 15.50, 15.51

“A Blaise with Indignation,” 10/11. 1-4
“The Culture Wars,” 4.3-4.6
“Institutionalizing Silence within ALA,” 14.1-4
“Politics and Anti-Politics in Librarianship,” 3.2-4

Educación y Biblioteca: revista mensual de documentacion y recursos didacticos, 16.Sup. 1

Education, 4.41, 6/7.15, 9.22

Education for librarians
See Librarian education

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 10/11/64

Egner, Carl, 16.71

Egypt, 3.25

“Election Day Messages from South African Librarians, “9.36-37

Electronic communication, 12/13.10

Electronic copyright, 9.23, 9.33, 12/13.18-31

Electronic databases, 12/13. 18-31

Electronic eavesdropping, 9.23

Electronic federal depository library program, 12/13. 53-59

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 9.33, 9. Inside back cover

Electronic information, 12/13. 7-17

Electronic Illusions: A Skeptic's View of Our High-Tech Future (1984), 4.7

Electronic principles, 12/13.7-17

Electronic Sweatshop, 1989, 9.30

Elephant Bird egg, 16.17

Elias Sports Bureau, 12/13.28

Elites, 3.13, 15.56

Elitism, 3.38-39

Elliott, T.S., 6/7. 31

Elliott, Jan, 5.42

Ellsberg, 2.49

Emergency (South Africa), 2.33-34

Empire building, 16. 29

Empowerment, 16.1-25

Encryption, 9.24, 9.34

Enckell, Marianne, 16. Supp.11-17, 16. supp. 40

“The end of history,” 2.2-8

“The End of Information & the Future of Libraries,” 12/13.1-6

The End of the Line:, Lost Jobs, New Lives in Postindustrial America (1994), 10/11. 11-16

“End of ideology,” 2.3

“Enemies: An Annotated Bibliography for a Middle School Social Studies Curriculum,” 16.59-62

“Enemy,” 16.41

Energy policy, 2.49

Enola Gay, 10/11.60-78

“The ‘Enola Gay’ Controversy as a Library Issue,” 10/11. 60-78

Enriquez, Rafael, 15.36

Entertainment, 6/7. 32-37

Environment, 6/7.10-11

Environmentalism, 6/7. 10-14
Target of conservatives, 6/7.12

Enzenberger, Hans Magnus, 6/7. 43-44, 46

Epcot Center, 9.28

Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, 5.5

Equal access to information, 6/7.17

Equity, 3.3, 12/13.10

Ergonomics, 4.53-58, 8.3

Erotic, 5.22-24

Erotica, 5.22-23

Erudite Lite (Blaise Cronin), 10/11. 1-4

Estabrook, Leigh, 10/11.fn2.39

Estrategia y táctica: ayer, hoy y mañana (1976), 16. Supp.4

Estudios socials sobre la educación de los pueblos, (1864)

Ethnic cleansing, 16.43

Ethnic diversity, 15.45

Ethnonyms (derogatory), 1.38-39

Europe, 3.13, 4.41-42

European Union (EU), 12/13.19, 12/13. 26-27, 12/13. 46

European, dominant culture, 4.40

Ewell, Maryo, 4.45

“Exhibiting Ideology,” 5.42

Exodus: Diary of a Spanish Refugee

Extra: the Magazine of Fair, 16.57

Extraction from databases, 12/13.21-22


See Federación Anarquista Ibérica

See Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo

See Foreign Agents Registration Act

FBI, 2.27
See also U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation

See Frauenforschungs, Bildungs, und Informtationszentrum Berlin

See Fédération internationale des centres d’ etude et de documentation libertaire

See International Federation for Documentation

See Federation of Cuban Women

See Freedom of Information Act

See Fundación de Estidios Libertarios Salvador Seguí

FYI France, 12/13. 63

Fascism, 16.28, 16.Supp. 4

Faculty status, 12/13. 8-9

Fahrenheit 451 (1953), 3.23

Fair use, 12/13.22, 12/13.23-24

Falk, Richard, 16.41, 16.46

False Promises: The Shaping of American Working Class Consciousness (1973), 6/7. 41-43

Family Friendly Libraries, 15.2

Familialization, 8.14-15

Fanelli, Giuseppe, 16. Supp. 18

Farelo, Maria, 15.22

Farm Bureau, 12/13. 41

Farm workers, 16.72

Fasana, Paul, 1.35

The Fast Sooner Hound, 1.40

Faxon, 3.46

Federación Anarquista Ibérica, 16.Supp. 4, 16.Supp. 21

Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias, 16. Supp. 21

La federación libertarian Argentia, 16. Supp.11

La federación obrera regional Argentina, 16. Supp.11

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2.27

Federal Depository Libraries 12/13/ 49-53, 12/13. 53-59

Federal Information News Syndicate, 12/13. 45-48

Federal information policy, 2.11, 12/13. 49-52

Federalist, 14.6

Federation of Cuban Women, 15.51

Federation of Local Unions, 16.Supp. 25

Fédération internationale des centres d’ etude et de documentation libertaire, 16.Supp.16, 16. Supp. 32

Fee-based service, 3.34, 6/7. 19-20, 12/13. 14

Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service, 12/13.18, 12/13.26

Felipe, León, 16.Sup.28

Feminism, 5.11-12, 8.1-9, 15.15, 16.11

Feminist Archive and Documentation Center in Cologne, 8.27

Feminist Archive in Marburg, 8.27

Feminist libraries, 8.22-23

Feminist philosophy, 8.7

Feminist scholarship, 8.8, 10/11.3

Feminist Task Force, 8.11
See also Social Responsibilities Round Table

“Feminist Thought and the Critique of Information Technology,” 8.1-9

Feministisches Informations-Bildungs-und Dokumentationszentrum Nürnberg (Feminist Information, Education and Documentation Center Nüremberg), 8.23

Feminized profession, 5.1-18, 8.17-18, 10/11.3, 14.10

Fenton, Thomas P., 16.51

Fernández, Progreso, 16.Supp.34

Fernández, Sinesio Vaudilio García
SEE Santillán, Diego Abad de

Ferreira, Eleonora, 6/7.2, 6/7. 52-61, 6/7. 70

Ferreira, Joao Paulo Castaño, 6/7.2, 6/7.52-61, 6/7. 70

Ferrer I Guardia, Francisco, 16. Supp. 34, 16. supp. 38

Ferreras, Félix Alvarez, 16.Supp.34

Ferrua, Pietro, 16.Supp.16

Fetterly, Judith, 5.5-6

“A Few Gates: An Examination of the Social Responsibilities Debate in the Early 1970s & ‘90s,” 15.1-13

“Few Voices, Many Worlds,” 4.37, 4.46-47

Fiction, 5.1-18

Fierheller, George, 10/11.8-9

Fifth Estate, 16.48

Film, 6/7. 33, 6/7. 36, 6/7. 42

Film studios, 2.18

Finnish Library Association, 10/11.81

Finnegan, Ruth, 9.17-17

Fins- Federal Information News Syndicate, 12/13. 45-48

First Amendment, 1.8, 1.11, 1.18, 4.3-6, 12/13. 32-44

“First Encounters” [University of Florida, Museum of Natural History], 5.38

First International, 16. Supp. 37

First, Ruth, 1.32

First Search database, 6/7. 19

Fish, Stanley, 4.6

Fisher, Vardis, 2.26

Flannel boards, 5.44

Flax, Jane, 15.14

See Feministisches Informations-Bildungs-und Dokumentationszentrum Nürnberg

The Flight from Reason: Essays on Intellectual Freedom in the Academy, the Press, and the Library (1975)

Florida Gulf Coast University, 12/13. 39-40

Florida Library Association, 16.72

Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 16. Supp. 9

Folk culture, 6/7.37

Folktales, 5.44-46

Follett, Mary Parker, 12/13.46-47

Fomento de las Artes, 16.Supp. 34

Foreign Agents Registration Act (1938), 4.68

Foreign policy, 16.37-50, 16.51-65

Fourth World Movement, 16.71

France 3.14-14, 12/13. 63-68

Franco, Francisco, 16. Supp. 22

Francoism, 16.Supp.6, 16.Supp. 32

Frank Music vs. CompuServe, 9.33

Frankfurt School, 6/7.1, 31-50

Franklin Street Settlement House (Detroit), 16. Supp.8

“Frauenarchive und Frauenbibliotheken in Deutschland,” 8.21-31

Frauenforschungs, Bildungs, und Informtationszentrum Berlin (Women’s Research, Education and Information Center in Berlin), 8.23-24, 8.25, 8.26

Frauenanstiftung Hamburg e.V (Women’s Foundation Hamburg), 8.23,

Free expression, 10/11, 79-8210/11. 83-85

Free flow of information, 2.20, 3.7, 3.25, 4.66-69, 5.49, 10/11. 83-85, 16.32, 16.68

Free Lunch Counter Culture Association, 15. Cover, inside front cover

Free market, 12/13. 46

Free press, 4.33-34, 9.10

Free speech, 16.68

Free trade imperialism, 16.29

As U.S. strategy for informal domination, 16.30

Freedom Charter (South Africa), 2.42, 4.21

Freedom House, 3.11

Freedom of Information
Australia, 9.7-8, 9.14fn.28fn.30
South Africa, 2.46, 9.7, 9.14, fn29

Freedom of Information Act, 12/13.23

Freedom of speech, 3.2

Freedom Press, 16.66

Freire, Paulo, 4.23, 6/7.1

Freirians, 6/7.2

French colonialism, 3.14-15

French Revolution, 2.5

Frese, Petra, 8. 32-35 (translator)

Friedman, Harvey L., 4.11-12

Friends of the Earth, 6/7.11

“From France: Libraries Losing Their Reason,” 12/13. 63-68

“From Student Revolt to Working Librarians: The Formation of BIS, Sweden,” 15. 27-30

Front National, (France) 12/13. 63-68

“Fucking” (ignored as library catalog entry), 5.19-25

“The ‘Fucking ‘Truth about Library Catalogs,” 5.19-25

Fukuyama, Francis, 2.2-8

Fund for Free Expression, 1. 2, 1.33

Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo, 16. Supp. 19, 16. Supp. 34-35
See Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo

Fundación Aurora Intermitente, 16. Supp. 34

Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo, 16. Supp. 19, 16. Supp. 34-35

Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Salvador Seguí (Madrid) 16.Supp. 19, 16. Supp. 32-33

Further Indemnity Act of 1992 (South Africa), 9.5

Future, 10/11. 92-96, 14. 22-33


G-7, 12/13. 46

See General Agreement on Trade and Services

“GII: Global Power Grab,” 12/13. 45-48

Gandhi, Mahatma, 10/11.68, 15.48

Galileo, 10/11/68

Gallery Bugs Bunny (Chicago), 8.37

Gamero, Juan, 16. Supp. 35

Ganesha, 16.22

Gans, Herbert, 6/7. 38-41

Garankuwa Uprising, 2.31

Garceau, Oliver, 15.54-55

García, Marta, 16.Supp.30

Gardner, Eileen Marie, 10/15-16

Garfias, Pedro, 16.Supp. 22

“Garlic, Vodka and the Politics of Gender: Anti-intellectualism in American Librarianship,” 14.5-12

Garon, Paul, 8.37, 8.41-65 (bibliography), 8.86

Garrison, Dee, 8.17-18, 14.10

Garson, Barbara, 9.22-9.35, 9. Inside back cover

Gassol de Horowitz, Rosario, 4.24

Gates, Henry Louis, 4.6

Gaughan, Tom, 6/7.18, 6/7. 22, 15.2

Gays in Library Land: The Gay and Lesbian Task Force of the American Library Association: The First Sixteen Years (1990), 15.6-7

Gays, library service, 15.6-7, 15.9

Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 6/7. 26, 14.39, 15.1
See also Social Responsibilities Round Table

Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Task Force
See also Social Responsibilities Round Table

Gay Liberation Task Force
See also Social Responsibilities Round Table

Gaza, 2.48

Gender analysis, 8.1-9

Gender issues, 14. 52-53

General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS), 12/13. 45

General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, (1851) 16.Supp.1

Genocide, 5.36

Gerbner, George, 12/13. 48

German Democratic Republic, 15.33

Germany, 8.10-35, 9.7, 15. 31-36, 16.28, 16.42
Unification, 8.32

Germen, 16.Supp.30

Geronimo, 8.69

Gerstner, Louis V. 10/11.69

Ghikas, Mary, 14.2

Giddons, Anthony, 14.14-15

Gilabert, Alejandro, 16.Supp.4

Gilbey, Emma 9.7

Gingrich, Newt, 10/11.8

Giroux, Henry, 3.17-18, 6/7.15-16,6/7.26, 12/13. 11

Gisonny, Karen, 2.50-51, 2.59

Gitlin, Todd, 6/7. 43

Gittings, Barbara, 15.6

GlasNet, 5.47

Glasnost, 1.32, 2.30-40

“The Global Commercialization of Culture,” 2.15-22

Global conglomerates, 4.46

“Global Crisis: Media, Democracy and the Left,” Plenary Session at Midwest Radical Scholars and Activists Conference, 1990, 3.24-28

“Global Gladiators,” 12/13. 47

Global Information Infrastructure, 12/13. 45-48

Global Information Society, 12/13.45

Global village, 2.15

“Glossary for Lula Comic”, 6/7. 60-61

God, 16.20

Golan Heights, 2.48

Goldbard, Arlene, 4.45

Golden Harvest, 15. 46

Goldman, Emma, 16. Cover, 16. Supp. 8, 16. Supp. 9, 16. Supp. 10, 16. Supp. 35

Gómez, Fernando Fernán, 16. Supp. 6

Gompers, Samuel, 6/7. 65

Goniwe, Matthew, assassinated, 9.3

Gonzalez, Mario, 3.36

“Goodbye Columbus: A Review of Selected Quincentennial Literature,” 5.36- 43

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 3.26

Gorman, Michael, 14.10

Gottfried, Harriet, 1.40-41, 1.42, 3.36

Goudie, John, 5.36

Gough, Cal, 15.9

Government information, 2.11, 2.14 FN 8, 3.17, 12/13.23, 12/13. 49-53, 12/13. 53-59

Government Printing Office, 12/13.36, 12/13. 49-53, 12/13. 53-59

Graaf, Michael, 2.35, 9.4

Grave, Jean, 16. Supp. 15

Gray, Carolyn, 12/13.40

Gray literature, 8.26

Great Books, 5.8-10

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 4.13

Greece, 16.38

Green, Robert, 8.37

Greenblatt, Ellen, 15.9

Greene, Graham, 4.67

Greene, Maxine, 6/7.26

Greenpeace, 15.59-61

Greenwashing, 6/7.11

Greiner, Joy, 3.33, 3.34, 3.40

Grenada, 2.48, 3.52

Grim, Jessica, 10/11.90-91, 10/11.97,

Gropper, 10/11.68

“Growing Our Communications Future: Access—Not Just Wires,” 14.22-33

Guardia, Francisco Ferrer, 16.Supp.3

Guardian (NY), 16.47

Guatemala, 16.38

Guérin, Daniel, 16. Supp. 15

Gruber, Nancy, 3.52-53

Guerrero, Gonzalo, 8.69

Guevara, Che, 15. 52

Guía de Fuentes del anarquismo español, 16. Supp. 32

Guide to Sources in Spanish Anarchism, 16. Supp. 32

Guillén, Abraham, 16.Supp.34

Gulf Crisis, 2.47-48
See also Gulf War

Gulf War I, 2 August 1990- 28 February, 1991, 3.14-16, 3.42, 4.46-47, 5.26-30, 8.70, 16.42

Guyton, Karen, 8.66

Guyton, Tyree, 8.38, 8.66-68


HIV, 15.17

Haar, John, 5.51

Hadar, Leon, 16.41, 16.46

Hadden, R. Lee, 14.44-46, 14.54

Hafner, Arthur, 5.8-10

Haiti, 16.41

Haiti Info: News Direct from the People and Organizations of Haiti’s Grassroots Democratic Movement, 16.57

Handicapped, blaming (Reagan/Gardner), 10/15-16

Hannah, Stan A., 10/11. 23-42, 10/11. 92-96, 10/11. 97

Hansel, Patsy, 3.33

Haraway, Donna, 15.15, 15.19

Harare Declaration, [Declaration of the OAU Ad-hoc Committee on Southern Africa on the Question of South Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe: August 21,1989], 1.31

A Hard Road for Mandela, 1.25, 1.26

Harger, Elaine, 1.inside front cover, 1. 2-15; 1.33, 1.35, 1.42, 2. Inside front cover, 3. inside front cover, 4.2, 4.59-63, 4.66-69, 4.71, 5. Inside front cover, 6/7. Inside front cover, 6/7. 60-61, 6/7. 62-63, 8.cover, 8.inside front cover, 9.inside front cover, 10/11. Inside front cover, 10/11.2, 10/11/ 60-78, 10/11.97, 12/13. Inside front cover, 14. Inside front cover, 14.1-4, 15. Inside front cover, 15.3, 16.inside front cover, 16.59-62, 16.73, 16.Sup. i

Harold Washington Library (Chicago), 8.83

Harris, Gill, 15.43

Harris, Michael H. 5. Inside front cover, 5.1-18, 6/7.1, 6/7. 30, 10/11. 23-42, 10/11. 92-96, 10/11/97

Harris, Roma, 10/11.3, 10/11.9-22, 14.10, 15.9

Harms Commission (South Africa), 2.36

Harry, Margot, 4.35

Hartung, William, 16.46

Hartwell, Rob, 15.1

Harvard University, 1.35

Harwit, Martin, 10/11.69

Haun, Agatha, 15.35

Haymarket, 16. Supp. 9

Haverhill, MA, public library, 3.35

Hawaii, Librarians Association of, 12/13.38-39

Hawaii State Librarian, 12/13. 37-39

Hazardous waste, 4.68-69

Health hazards, 8.3

Heard, Tony, 9.10

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 2.2

Hegemony, 10/11.53, 10/11. 53-55

Hegemonic literary canon, 5.8-18

Heidegger, Martin, 10/11/44, 10/11/55-56

Heidelberg Project, 8.66-68

Heidelberg Street (Detroit), 8.66-68

Heim, Kathleen M., 8.20
See also Kathleen de la Peña McCook

Hennepin County, 16.68

Heinrich Boell Foundation, 14. 52

Helderberg, 9.3

Helene Lange Archive, 8.25

Helms, Jess, 5.38

Helsinki Agreement, 4.67

Hentoff, Nat, 1.2, 1.7-8, 1.10-11, 1.12, 1.16

Hepburn, Katherine, 16. 20

Heritage Foundation, 3.10, 3.26

Herman, Edward, 3.11, 3.53, 16.41, 16.46

Hernández, Héctor, 16.Supp.30

Herrada, Julie, 16. Supp. 7-10, 16. supp. 40

Hettinger, Edwin C., 16.67

Heyman, Michael, 10/11.60-78

Higher education, 4.3-6

Highfield Community Library (Belfast), 4.18

Hildenbrand, Suzanne, 8.23, 10/11.47, 14.10

Hiroshima, Japan, 10/11. 60-78

“Hiroshima & Nagasaki, The Atomic Bomb, and History: A Bibliography,” 10/72-78.

Hitchens, Christopher, 16.40, 16.45

“Historical Patterns of a Women’s Profession in Germany,” 8.10-8.20

Hoerig, Günter, 16.Supp.16

Hofstadter, Richard, 14. 5-7

The Homeless (1987), 3,31-32

“The Homeless and the Public Library,” 3.31-42

Homelessness, 1.36, 2.4, 3.31-42, 5.49, 8.67

Homophobia, 3.24, 15.1-3, 15.17

Homosexuality, 14.3, 14.34-40, 15.1-3, 15.6-13

Hope and Folly: The United States and UNESCO, 1945-1985 (1989), 3.11

Horn, Zoia, 1. Inside cover, 3.52-53

Horkheimer, Max, 6/7. 32-37, 42, 43, 49

Horowitz, Irving Louis, 1.8-9

Horse Capture, George P., 5.40

Horup, Ellen, 15.48

“A House Divided Against Itself: ACRL Leadership, Academic Freedom & Electronic Resources,” 12/13. 7-17

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 2.27

Housework, 8.15

Housmans Peace Directory, 15.47

Houston Public Library, 1.6-7

Hudson, Mark, 16. 26-36, 16.73

Hug, Heinz, 16.Supp.16

Hugo, Victor, 16.Supp. 24

Hull, Elizabeth, 4.66-69

Hull House, 16.Supp. 8

Human nature, myth of 16.31

Human rights, 2.15, 3.4, 5.49, 8.84, 9.1, 9.8, 10/11.79-82, 14.3-4, 15.3-5, 15. 65, 16.43

Human Rights Commission, 2.39

Humanism, 16. Supp. 26

Humbolt University, 15.33

Humphrey, John Ames, 15.62-64

Hune, Shirley, 3.6

Hunink, Maria, 16. Supp. 16

Hungary, 2.16

Hunger, 1.36, 1.49

Hussein, Saddam, 16. 42

Hygiene, 3.38

Hyry, Tom, 16. Supp. 7-10, 16. supp. 40


See International Atomic Energy Authority

See International African Institute

See International Association of Mass Communication Research

See International Association of Labour History Institutions

IBM, 3.17, 10/11.69

ICAIC, 15.51, 15.52
See also Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos

See Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe Frauenforschung: Dokumentation-Information-Archiv Bielefeld

See International Federation of Library Associations

“IFLA and Human Rights,” 10/11.79-82

“IFLA Cuba Statement: Statement of Librarians from the United States and Puerto Rico on U.S.-Cuba Relations,” 9.38-40

IFLA Express, 10/11.81

See Turkish Communication Research Association

See International Monetary Fund

See Inter-Press Service

See Information for Social Change

See International Telecommunications Union

See International Workers of the World

Ibadan, University of (Nigeria), 3.43

Iberian anarchism, 16. supp. 38

Iberian Liberation Movement (MIL), 16.Supp. 37

Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle (1851), 16. Supp.1

Ideological conformity, 2.13

Ikkevold (Nonviolence), 15.48

Illiberal Education (1991), 4.3

Illinois Writers Project, 1.40

Illiteracy, 1.36, 1.49

Illness, 1.36

The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America (1961), 6/7. 39-42

Immigrants, 15.9

Imperialism, 5.33

“In Defense of the Great Books,” 5.8-9

In the Age of the Smart Machine (1989), 6/7. 22-23, 10.11. 31-32

In These Times, 16.41, 16.45, 16.46, 16.47, 16.58

Indexes, 6/7. 65

Independent press, 2.50, 16.37-50

India, 3.25

Indians in South Africa, 4.48

Indigenous people, 5.37-43

Indonesia, 3.25, 16.38

Industrial society, 2.6, 3.7

Industrial Workers of the World, 8.36, 16. Supp. 8

Inequality, 6/7. 42, 16. 26

Informated organization, 10/11.32-35

Information, 4.18-19, 6/7.3-14, 12/13.1-6, 12/13. 70

Information and the Crisis Economy (1981), 16.33-34

Information collectives, 16.32

Information economy, 6/7.16, 6.7.48, 10/12. 8, 10/11, 94, 16.63-66

Information Ethics for Librarians (1997), 16.73

Information for Social Change, 15.25, 15.32, 15.44-46

Information highway, 10/11.7, 14.22

Information industry, 2.11, 3.16, 6/7.7, 10/12.6-8, 16.34

Information Industry Association, 6/7. 17, 9.34

Information inequality, 16.34-36, 16.63-66

Information Inequality: The Deepening Social Crisis in America (1996), 16.34- 35

Information Liberation (1998), 16.66-70

Information poor, 3.5, 4.18, 5.50, 16.34-36

Information poverty, 4.18, 4.42, 16.34-36

Information processing, 12/13.2

Information professionalism, 12/13.3-6

Information rich, 3.5, 4.18, 5.50, 16.32-36

Information society, 2.6, 2.9-14, 3.9, 3.18, 4.42, 9.22, 10/11, 94, 15.14

Information technology, 3.22, 5.47-50, 5.51-52, 6/7. 15-29, 8.1-9, 9.22-35, 10/11.95, 12/13.1-6, 15.64, 16.63-66

“Information Technology and the Future of Work,” 10/11. 23-42,

“Information Technology, Power Structures, and the Fate of Librarianship,” 6/7. 15-29

Information Technology Association of Canada, 10/11.8

Infoshops, 16.Supp. 20

Inglis, Agnes, 16.Sup. Cover, I, 16. Supp. 7-10

Inkatha, 1.27, 2.37, 2.38, 9.5, 9.37

Inkworks Press, 15.68

Inquietudes, 16.Supp.30

Institute of Amsterdam, 16.Supp.16

Institute for African Alternatives, 3.44

Institute for Media Analysis, 3.11

Institute for Policy Studies, 16.39, 16.51

Institute for Social Research
See Frankfurt School

Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos, 15.51, 15.52

Institut für Sozialforschung
See Frankfurt School

Instructional effectiveness, 9.26-29

Intellectual freedom, 2.49, 3.2, 10/11.60-78, 10/11. 83-85, 12/13. 8-9, 14.3,
15. 4-13, 15.15-16

Intellectual property rights, 12/13. 18-31, 16.67

“Intensify the Struggle, statements on sanctions from the ANC, COSATU & UDF,” 1.30-31

Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe Frauenforschung: Dokumentation- Information-Archiv Bielefeld (Interdisciplinary Research Group: Women’s Documentation-Archive Bielefeld), 8.23

Interior (tierra adentro), 8.70-71

Inter-library loans, 14.45

Internal Security Act [South Africa], 2.30, 2.39

International Anarchist Library, 16.Supp.3

International Book Year, 15.62

“Interlibrary Loan Offices Violate Boycott,” 1.35

International African Institute, 3.43

International Association of Labour History Institutions, 16. Supp. 33

International Association of Mass Communication Research, 4.46

International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), 9.4

International Council for Scientific Unions, 3.47

International Federation for Documentation, 1.18

International Federation for Libertarian Study and Documentation, 16. Supp.16

International Federation of Library Associations, 1.3, 1.6, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 2.42, 4.49-50, 9.38-40, 10/11.79-82, 10/11/ 83-85, 15.43
Apartheid, 15.25
Istanbul conference (1995), 10/11.79-82, 10/11/83-85
Stockholm, 15.25

International Institute of Social History 15.48

International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 6/7.2

“International Librarianship & the Struggle for Democracy in South Africa,” 1.16-17

International Monetary Fund, 3.27, 16.42, 16.43

International Organization of Journalists, 3.11

International Research Center on Anarchy, 16. Supp. 14

“An International Surrealist Declaration on the ‘Columbus Quincentennial” 1492-1992. “As Long As Tourists Replace Seers…” 8.69-73

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 12/13/45, 12/13.46

International Workers of the World, 16. Supp. 9

International Workingmen’s Association, 16. Supp. 18, 16. Supp. 37

International Viewpoint, 16.47

Internet, 6/7.25, 12/13. 11, 14.23-33, 16.31

“Internet and the Academic Community,” 12/13. 10

Internment camps (for Japanese-Americans), 10/11.65

Inter-Press Service, 3.12

Interracial children’s books, 1.9, 1.21

Intervention and Revolution: America’s Confrontation with Insurgent Movements around the World (1969), 16.38

“Interviews with South African Library Users,” 1.21-24

Into the Future: The Foundations of Library and Information Science in the Post-Industrial Era (1993), 10/11. 97, 10/11. 92-96

“The ‘Invisibles’: Lesbian Women as Library Users,” 14.34-40

Iran, 2.48, 4.23, 16.38

Iran-Contra (Bush 41), 9.25

Iraq, 14.47-50, 15.65-66

The Inveterate Life (1991), 10/11. 97

Iraq, 2.47-48, 2.48-49, 16.42

Iron Column, 16. Supp. 6

Islam, lack of understanding in U.S. 5.26-30

Ismail, Noha, 5. Inside front cover, 5.26-30

Israel, 2.48, 5.27, 8.84

Istanbul, 10/79-82, 10/11.83-85

Istanbul Statement, June 21, 1991, 4.46-47

Iverson, David, 9.30, 9.33

Iverson, Sandy, 15.14-19, 15.68


JURIS, 9.34

Jablonski, Joseph, 8.37

“Jack Conroy- Writer for the Dispossessed (obituary),” 1.40-41

Jacobs, Johnny, 15.20-26, 15.68

Jamile, Samuel, 2.38

Janda, Kenneth, 9.27

Jank, Dagmar, 8.21-31, 8.86

Japan, 2.27, 10/11. 60-78

Japanese-Americans, 10/11.65, 16.61-62

Jaszi, Peter, 12/13. 26

Jazz, 6/7. 48

Jefferson, Thomas, 14.6

Jensen, Robert, 9.22, 9.26

Jewish books, 15.34

Jewish Holocaust, 1.39

Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., 10/11/63

Jobless recovery, 10/11.18

Johannesburg Public Library, 1.6

John Ames Humphrey/OCLC/Forest Press Award, 15.62-64

John, Nancy, 15.67

John Noyce Publications, 15.42

John Sessions Memorial Committee, 16.73

Johns Hopkins University, 10/11.47

Johnson, Ebba I., 5. Inside front cover, 5.35

Johnson, Gisela, trans. 8.10-8.20 (translator)

Johnstone, Diana, 16.43

“Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians,” 12/13. 8-9

Joll, James, 16. Supp. 15

Jones, Alma (maybe Simmons), 5.9

Jones, Bernie, 4.45

Jones, Clara, 15.63

Joseph, Helen, 1.32

Josey, E.J., 1. Inside cover, 1.29-30, 2.37, 15.1, 15.62-64

Journal of Palestine Studies, 16.41, 16.46, 16.47

Joyce, Steven, 15.1-13

Judis, John, 16.11

Juravich, Tom, 4.64-65, 4.71


See Kosovo Liberation Army

KRIBIBI (Arbeitskreis Kritischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare
im Renner-Institut), 15.32, 15.37-40

Kagan, Al, 1.18-20, 2.21, 5. Inside front cover, 5.47-50, 5.51-52, 10/11.97, 10/11.79-82, 16.51

Kaminsky, Robert 5.44-46

Kane, Bart, 12/13. 37-39

Kapor, Mitch, 9.33

Karlsson, Jenni, 15.29

Kaufmännische Verband für weibliche Angestellte (Commerical League of Women Employees), 8.21-22

Keeney, Mary Jane, 2.23-2.30

Keeney, Philip, 2.23-2.30

Keller, Charles ((lithography), 9. cover, 9. inside back cover

Kelley, Thomas, 6/7. Inside front cover

Kelly, Wayne, 12/13. 49-53

Kellner, Douglas, 6/7. 44-46

Kelsey, Jane, 12/13.44

Kempton Park negotiations (South Africa), 9.10-11

Kennedy, John F., 5.30, 14.5

Kenosha, Wisconsin, 10/11.13

Kenya, 4.24

Kessler, Jack, 12/13. 63-68

Khunou, Miriam, 4.21

Kierkegaard, Soren, 16.7

The Killing Ground (film about hazardous industrial waste), 4.68-69

Kimball, Roger, 4.3

Kirkus Reviews, 4.35

Kissinger, Henry, 4.36

Kitsch, 6/7. 37

Klare, Michael, 16.41, 16.46

Knowledge workers, 16.31

Koblenz Autonomous Women’s Archive, 8.24

Koevoet [crowbar] archive, 9.6

Kolbe, Vincent, 15.20

Kolko, Gabriel, 16.37-38, 16.39

Koning, Hans, 5-40-41

Kosiplay (censorship of), 2.38

Kosovo, 16.43

Kosovo Liberation Army, 16.43

Kramer, Hilton, 8.66

Kreisky, Bruno, 15.40

Kropotkin, Peotr, 16.Supp. 1-2, 16. Supp. 14, 16.Supp.16

Krug, Judith, 1.16, 12/13. 11

Kühn-Ludewig, 8.35

Kurds, 2.48, 10/11.80-82

Kuwait, 2.47-48, 2.48-49

KwaZulu police, 2.37


LC Subject Headings, 12/13. 42

LEXIS, 12/13.23
See also Lexis

See Library and Information Workers Organization (South Africa)

LIWO National Conference, 1995, 15.22-23

LIWO-Durban, 15.21

LIWO-Gauteng, 15.21

LIWO-Northern Cape Province, 15.26

LIWO-Pietermaritzburg, 15.21

LIWO-Western Cape, 15.21

“LIWO and the South African Unification Debate,” 10/11.87-89

“LIWO: Local Touch and Global Networking in South Africa,” 15.20-26

“LIWO Resolution on Censorship and Freedom of Information,” 2.46-47

“LIWO Resolution on the Academic and Cultural Boycott,” (South Africa), .45-2.46

“LIWO Statement to IFLA,” 4.48-50

LIWO Support Group, 15.43

“LIWO’s Guiding Principles”, (South Africa), 2.44-45

LIWOLET, 15.21

See LIWO Support Group

Labadie Collection, 16.Sup. I, 16. Supp. 7-10

Labadie, Joseph A., 16.Supp. 7-10

LaBash, Steve, 16.63-66, 16.73

Labor, 10/11.23-42, 10/11.86, 16. Supp. 7-10

Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century (1974), 10/11. 25-32

Labor history, 1.40, 6/7.2, 6/7. 65, 16. Supp. 7-10, 16. Supp. 32-33

Labor, library service to, 4.5, 16. Supp. 7-10

La Guma, Alex, 1.32

Lakota Sioux, 5.38

Lamontia, Philip, 8.37

Lancaster, F.W., 3.45, 10/11.93

Landau, Elaine, 3.31-32, 3.38

Landy, Joannae, 16.40, 16.46

Lane, David, 15.16

Lange, Helene, 8.13, 8.22, 8.25

Language rights, 4.39

Larson, Magali Sarfatti, 5.1-18, FN 3

Larson, Ulf, 15.30

Lategan, Lindsay, 4.24

Latimer, Clare, 8.77

Latin America, 16.42, 16.56-58

Latin America Bureau (publisher), 4.28-36

Latin American Perspectives, 16.41, 16.46, 16.48, 16.58

Latin American Students Association

Latshaw, Patricia, 12/13.11

Latz, Birgit, 8.23, 8.29

Laurentius, 15.32, 15.35

Lawrence Hill (publisher), 4.28-36

Lawrence Scientific School, 10/11/46

Lawyers for Human Rights, 9.5

Layret, Francesc, 16. Supp. 36

Lebanon, 2.48, 16.38

“The Left” (political/ theoretical), 2. Inside front cover, 2.2, 2.27, 4.3, 5.38, 5.48, 6.30-51, 8.77-78

“Left Wing of the Beat Generation,” 8.36-37

Lehman, Bruce, 12/13.19, 12/13. 27

Leicht, Hilka, 14.53, 14.54-55

Leigh, Robert D., 15.54-58

Leisure, 6/7.34

Lesbians, 14.34-40

“Lesbians & Libraries,” 14.34-40

“Lesbians & Libraries” Resource list, 14.41-43

Less Access to Less Information by and About the United States Government: A 1981-1987 Chronology, 4.69

“Letter against Bombing of Iraq; 12/16/98” 15. 65-66

Leuenroth, Edgar, 16. Supp.14

Levey, Lisbeth, 3.45

“Lexicon of hatred,” 5.8

Lexikon der Frau, 8.22

Lexis, 9.34
See also LEXIS

Lewis, Alison, 16.Supp.21-29, 16. supp. 40

Libertarian communism, 16.Supp.see entire issue

Libération, 12/13. 63

Liberation Distributors, 4.35

Liberation Graphics, 15.51-53

“Liberation Technology,” 5.47-50

Librarian education, 14.7-11

Librarian of Congress, 2.25, 4.53-58

Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control, 15.48

Librarians for Social Change, 15.42-43

Alienation of, 2.55-58
Courage, 10/11.67
Germany, 8.10-8.20, 8.32-35
Heroes, 9.11-12
Image, 8.80
Openmindedness, 10/11.67
Pimps for the information industry
Propaganda, instruments of in World War I, 3.3
Service ideal, 14.13-21
South Africa, 1.4-5, 1.21-24
Technologists, 3.18, 10/11.9-22
Women librarians, 5.1-18, 8.1-9, 10/11.9-22
Women readers, attitudes toward, 5.1-18

Librarians against Nuclear Arms in Sweden, 15.48

“Librarians Against War: an Open Letter,” 14.1-4, 4.47-50

Librarians Association of Hawaii, 12/13.38

Librarians within the Peace Movement, 15.25, 15.42

“Librarianship and Resistance,” 15.14-19

Anti-intellectualism, 14.5-12
Corporatism, 12/13. 32-44
Defined, 6/7.1-2
Deskilling, 6/7. 21-22
Foundation, 12/13.13
German, 8.32-35
Intellectual freedom as foundation, 12/13.13
Politics of 3.2-4, 4.3-6
Profession, 6/7. 21-23, 8.17-17
Principles, 3.2-4
Reskilling, 6/7. 21-23
Service ideal, 14.13-21
Technology, 10/11.43-59
Women in, 5.1-18, 10/11.9-22

Librarianship and Legitimacy: The Ideology of the Public Library Inquiry (1997), 15.54-58

Librarianship: The Erosion of a Women’s Profession, (1993), 10/11.97, 14.10

British, censorship, 8.77
Civic role, 12/13.10
Democratizing function, 6/7.15
Future of, 6/7, 15-29
Germany, 8.10-35
Hawaii, 12/13. 37-39
Mass media and, 6/7. 30-51
Politics of, 6/7.30
Public good, 6/7. 47-48, 10/11.67
Public sphere, 6/7. 26
Safe spaces, 6/7. 26
South Africa, 1.21-24
Virtual, 6/7, 21-26

Libraries and Culture, 12.55

“Libraries and the Commercialization of Information: Towards a Critical Discourse of Librarianship,” 2.9-14

“Libraries and the Middle East Question,” 5.26-30

“Libraries at the End of History?” 2.2-8

“Libraries in Society,” 5.31-5.34

Libraries Losing Their Reason,” 12/13. 63-68

Library and Information Workers Organization (LIWO, South Africa), 2. Inside front cover, 2.42, 2.43-44, 2.59, 4.37, 4.49-50, 9.3, 9. Inside back cover, 10/11.87-89, 15.20-26. 15.43

See also LIWO

The Library and Its Users: The Communication Process, 10/11.97

Library Association, 9.11, 10/11.81, 15.43
International Group, 15.25

Library Bill of Rights, 12/13.7-17, 12/13.32, 15.3-13, 15.13, appendix

Library Campaign (Britain), 15. 47

Library catalog, 5.19-25

Library Faith, 15.55

Library history, 3.2-4, 8.11

Library Journal, 2.6, 2.27, 2.43-44, 4.30-36
Berninghausen Debate, 15.4-13

Library of Congress, 1.35, 1.27
American Historical Association Resolution, 1992, 6/7. 68-69
Closed Stacks Policy, 6/7.2, 6/7. 64-67
Entrepreneurial aspects, 6/7. 19-20
` Joint Committee on the Library, 6/7. 65
Manuscript Reading Room, 6/7. 68-69
Office for Subject Cataloguing Policy, 1.38-39
Open Stacks, 6/7. 64
Subject Headings, 5.19-25
Virtual library products, 9.29

Library of Social Reconstruction, 16.Supp. 22, 16.Supp. 30

Library Services Act, 2.24

Library Services Construction Act, 3.35

Libya, 2.48, 4.33

Lidenschaft und Bildung: Zur Geschichte der Frauenarbeit in Bibliotheken (1992), 8.10-20

Lies of Our Times, 1.25-1.28, 16.47

Lincoln, Alan Jay, 3.36

Lincoln, Abraham, 16.8-9

LINK, 15.43

Linton, David, 4.7-16, 4.71

Lippmann, Walter, 9.30, 12/13. 10-11

Lippard, Lucy, 4.45

Lippincott, Kate, 16.72

Lischnewska, Maria, 8.22

A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing (1977), 5.6-8

Literary canon, 5.1-18

Literature, 5.1-18

Litwin, Rory, 15. Inside front cover, 16.inside front cover, 16.66-70, 16.73, 16.Sup. i

Living My Life (1931), 16. Supp. 35

Llunas, J.L. 16.Supp. 37

Locale (1995), 10/11. 97

Lorenzo, Anselmo, 16. Supp. 34

Los Angeles Rebellion (manifesto by Chicago Surrealists, 1992), 8.37

L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 8.69

Low income, 1.36-37

Love, James, 12/13.18-31, 12/13.76

Love, Jamie, 9.33

Lowe, Martyn, 15.41-50, 15.59-61, 15.68

Loyalty oaths, 5.35

Lubowski, Anton, assassinated, 9.3

Ludd, Ned; Ludd, King; Ludd, General, 4.8-15

Luddite (1811-16), 4.7-16

Lüdtke, Helga, 8.10-8.20, 8.86

Lula (Luis Inácio Da Silva), 6/7. 52-61

“Lula against the Alagoas Mahrajah,” 6/7. 52-61

Lyotard, Jean-Francois, 10/11/54


MIL (Iberian Liberation Movement), 16. Supp. 37

See Major League Baseball

See Minnesota Library Association Social Responsibilities Round Table

“MSRRT Persian Gulf Resolution, 1/91,” 2.48-49

MTV, 2.16, 6/7. 47

M'Bow, Amadou-Mahtar, 3.7, 3.14-15

Mabudafhasi, Joyce, 1.16, 2.42

MacBride Report
See Many Voices, One World

MacBride Round Table-Harare, 3.12, 4.46

MacBride Round Table-Istanbul, 3.12, 4.37, 4.46-47

MacBride Round Table-Prague, 3.12, 4.46

MacBride, Seán, 2.43, 3.5, 4.46-47

MacCann, Donnarae, 15.12

Macdonald, Dwight, 6/7. 36-37, 49

MacDonald, Margaret Read, 5.46

Machel, Samora, 9.3

“Machine as being” (phenomenological), 10/1144

Mackey, Sam, 8.66

MacLeish, Archibald, 2.25

Major, John Prime Mintser, 8.77

Malinconico, Michael S. 6/7. 17, 6/7. 19, 6/7. 24, 10/11. 97, 10.84-85

Mbeki, Govan, 2.34

McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 4.66-67

McCarthy, Joe, 10/11/68

McCarthyism, (new) 4.3

McChesney, Robert W, 16.27

McConnell, Michael, 15.7

McCook, Kathleen de la Peña, 16. 72

McDonald, Peter, 1. Inside front cover, 1.33, 1.35, 1.42, 5. Inside front cover, 5.36-43, 12/13. 32-44, 12/13. 76

McDonald’s restaurant chain, 14.2-3, 15.59-61

McGraw-Hill, 1.8

Mchombu, Kingo, 4.22

McJob, 15.61

McLibel trial, 15.59-61

McLibel: Burger Culture on Trial (1997), 15.59-61

McReynolds, David, 16.40, 16.46

McReynolds, Rosalee, 2.23-2.29, 2.59

McSpotlight (website), 15.61, fn 1

Madison, James, 12/13.10

Madrid, Paco, 16.Supp.16

Magdoff, Harry, 16.37, 16.54

Magón, Ricardo Flores, 16.Supp.30

Mährt-Thomsen, Frauke 15. 31-36, 15.68

Mafole, Tebogo, 1.20, 1.29-30, 1.35, 2.41

Major League Baseball, 12/13.25-30

Makerere University (Uganda), 3.43

Malatesto, Errico, 16.Supp. 14

Male hegemony, 5.1-18, 8.13

Male-stream values, 5.1-18

Malen, Kiesa, 14.53, 14.54-55

Man and People (1957), 10/11/44-45

“Mana, Manna, Manner : Power and the Practice of Librarianship,” 16. 1-25

Mandela, Nelson, 1.12, 1.19, 1.21, 1.22, 1.25-1.28, 1.31, 1.32, 2.inside front
Cover, 2.34, 9.36-37, 10/11/68

Mandela, Winnie, 9.7

Manhattan Project, 10.11. 64-65

“Manifesto of Avant-Garde Librarianship,” 8.79-80

“Manufacture of consent,” 4.33, 4.36

Many Voices, One World, (1980), 3.5, 3.13, 3.19-20,4.46-47

Maplethorpe, Robert, 5.19-20

Los Maquis, 16. supp. 38

Marchand, Roland, 14.9

Marcuse, Herbert, 6/7. 34-35, 39, 42, 43

Market force, 16.30

Marram (publisher), 4.28-36

Márquez, Gabriel García, 3.19-20, 4.67

Martin, James J., 16.Supp.9

Martin, Sue, 12/13.12

Martin, W.H., 4.18

Martz, J.D. 4.34

Marx, Karl, 10/11.48

Marxist concepts, 3.8, 3.14, 6/7. 32-50

Marxist scholarship, 10/11.26

Marx’s theory of alienation, 2.55-58

Masculine transcendentalism, 12/13.2-3

Masekela, Barbara, 15.21

Masizame Community Project, 15.29

Masmoudi, Mustapha, 3.12, 3.15-16

Maori, 16.19

Martin, Brian, 16.66-70

Mass culture, 6/7. 30-51

Mass Communications and American Empire (1969), 16. 28-29

Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in America (1957)

“The Mass Culture Debate: Left Perspective,” 6/7. 30-51

Mass Democratic Movement, 1.3, 1.16-17, 1.19-20, 1.30, 2.inside front cover, 2.41, 15. 21

Mattelart, Armand, 3.9

Mauritius, 3.47

May, 1968(Paris), 16. Supp. 15

Mayor, Federico, 3.10-11

Mayibuye, 4.51-52

Mead Data Central, 9.34

Mead, Walter, 16.46, 16.55

Mechanical reproduction, 6/7. 35-36

Mederos, Rene, 14. 50, 15. Cover

Media bias, 16.43

Media convergence, 4.46-47, 16. 16-36

Media literacy, 16.32

Media pluralism, myth of, 16.31

Media workers, 8.75

Media Workers of South Africa, 2.31

MEDLINE, 12/13.41

Meeting rooms, cost at Harold Washington Library (Chicago), 8.83

Melcher, Daniel, 2.27

Meli, Frances, 2.34

Memphis/Shelby County Public Library, 3.36

“The Media Charter of the African National Congress,” 8.74-76

Men against the State: The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism, 1827-1908 (1953), 16. Supp.9

Men as librarians, 8.3-4, 8.13, 10/11.13-22

Merrett, Christopher, 1.5, 1.32, 1.42, 2.30-40, 2.59, 9.1-15, 9. Inside back cover, 15.23

Meritocracy, 10/11.13

Mestre, Ricardo, 16. Supp. 19, 16.Supp.21-29, 16.Supp. 30

Mexico, 3.27, 16.Supp.27

Michell, Walter W. 15.2

Middle East, 5.26-30, 16.42

Middle East Reports, 16.47

Middle East War, 2.47-49

Midwest Federation of Library Associations, 5.30

Midwest Radical Scholars and Activists Conference, 3.28

Migrant workers, 16.72

Miklowitz, Gloria, 1.9

Milam, Carl, 2.25, 15.54, 15.57

The Militant Proletariat, 16. Supp. 34

Military Contractors, 10/11. 64

Military Families Support Network, 2.49

Military industrial complex, 6/7.17, 10/11.64, 10/11/.71

Military Order of the World Wars, 10/11/63

Military-technological barbarism, 15.65

Millenarian worldview, 12/13.3

Miller, Marilyn, 15.10

Miller, Mark, 4.45

Mills, C. Wright, 2.3, 6/7. 41

Milwaukee Public Library, 3.35

The Mind Managers (1973), 16.30-32

Mini, Thembi, 4.24

Minitel, 6.7/17

Minnesota Library Association Social Responsibilities Round Table, 1.36-37, 2.48-49

Missouri Writers Project, 1.41

Modern School (Barcelona), 16.Supp.3, 16. Supp. 34, 16. supp. 38

Modern Youth Library (Buenos Aires), 16. Supp.12

Modernity, 10/11.53

Mohawk, John, 5.42

Le Monde Diplomatique, 16.47

Monette, Paul, 6/7. 26

Monopoly capitalism, 3.24-30

Monopoly of media, 4.46-47

Montana State Supreme Court, 2.26

Montana State University (University of Montana), 2.26

Montand, Yves, 4.67

Monthly Review, 16.39, 16.47

Monthly Review Press (publisher), 4.28-36

Montjuich Prison (Barcelona), 16.Supp. 37

Mooney, Thomas, 16. Supp. 9

Morris, Dave, 15.60-61

Morrison, Toni, 6/7. 49

Morristown Public Library, New Jersey, 3.38

Morocco, 2.48

Mosco, Vincent, 3.21, 10/11.9-10

Mother Earth, 16. Supp. 9

Mother Jones, 16.66-67

Motherliness, 8.13-14

Motorola, 12/13.29

MOVE (Philadelphia), 4.35

Movement for Avant-Garde Librarianship, 8.79-80

Mtimkulu, Siphiwe, assassinated, 9.3

Multicultural Folktales: Stories to Tell Young Children (1991), 5.44-46

Multiculturalism, 4.3-6, 4.40, 5.31, 5.44-46

Multiforo Alicia (Mexico City), 16.Supp.21

Multimedia instruction, 9.27

Multinational Monitor, 16.47

Multnomah County Public Library, 3.36

Mumble, Dennis A., 1.25-28, 1.42

Mundaneum de Mons, 16. Sup. 14

Mundo, 16.Supp.30

Museums, 5.38, 10/11.60-78, 16.34

Music, 6/7. 45

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902), 16.Supp, 2.

Mistral, Sylvia, 16. Supp. 22

The Myth of the Electronic Library: Librarianship and Social Change in America (1994), 12/13. 69-70

Myths that structure content of corporate controlled media, 16. 30-32


See Non-Aligned Movement

See National Air and Space Museum

NATO, 16.43

See National Basketball Association

See Northeast Research Libraries Network

See National Football League

See Non-Governmental Organizations

See National Hockey League

See National Information Infrastructure

NOTIS, 6/7.17, 10/11. 52

See National Research and Education Network

NUMMI, 10/11.34-35

See New World Information and Communications Order

NYCOSH, (compiler of COSH Group directory), 4.61-63

NACLA 16.41, 16.46, 16.47, 16.58

Nader, Ralph, 9.33.

Nagasaki, 10/11.65

Namibia, 9.6, 15. 45-46

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 3.25

Natal Resource Centre Forums, 4.50

The Nation, 16.29, 16.40, 16.41, 16.45, 16.46, 16.47

National Agriculture Library, 12/13. 41

National Air and Space Museum, 10/11. 60-78

National Archives Database, 9.34

National Basketball Association, 12/13. 25-30

National Cancer Institute, 12/13.49-50

“National Cataloguing Petition Campaign Continues,” 1.38-39

National Coalition for the Homeless, 3.31

National Confederation of Labour, 16.Supp. 4

National Conference of Workers (Cuba)

National Council of Churches of Christ, 2.49

National Endowment for Democracy, 2.44

National Football League, 12/13. 25-30

National Hockey League, 12/13. 25-30

National Indemnity Council (South Africa), 9.5

National Information Infrastructure, 10/11.7, 14.30, 16.35

National Library of Medicine, 12/13.41

National Museum of National History, 5.38

National Party (South Africa), 1.25, 1.26, 2.39

National Registry of Argentina, 16. supp.11

National Research and Education Network, NREN, 6/7. 18, 6/7.25, 12/13. 46

National Union for the Total Independence of Angola

National Union of South African Students, 3.33

National Writers’ Union, 9.30

Nationalism and Culture, 16.Supp.22

Native Americans, 2.5

Nauratil, Marcia, 2.55-58

Nazi occupation, 15.42, 15.45-46

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 3.25

Neoliberalism, 16. 26-36

Nettlau, Max, 16.Supp. 13

Neufeld, Michael, 10/11.69

Neutrality, 2.6, 3.2-4, 5.51, 15.5, 15.10-12, 15. 14-19, 15. 49

New African, 2.33, 9.10

New Age ideology, 10/11.12

New Information Order (for South Africa), 2.43-44

New International Economic Order, 3.5, 3.7

New International Order, 3.7

New Labor, 15.44

New Left, 6/7. 31, 6/7. 41-46, 16.37, 16.43

New Left Review, 16.41, 16.45,

New Masses, 9.inside back cover

New Nation, 2.35

New Political Economy, 16.42

New Statesman and Society, 8.77-78

New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc

New World Information and Communications Order (NWICO), 2.43, 3.5-23, 3.24-3.30, 4.37, 4.46-47
Bibliography, 3.29-30

New World Order, 2.3, 3.5, 3.14, 5.37 (AKA Manifest Destiny), 8.69

New York, 4.3

New York African Studies Association, 3.47

New York City Central Labor Council, 10/11.86

New York Public Library, 1.34, 1.35, 3.3, 3.36, 3.39, 6/7. 20, 10/11.68-69, 10/11.86, 16.Supp. 14
Science, Industry and Business Library, 10/11.86

New York Times, 1.25-28

New Zealand, 16.19-20

News flow, 3.8

News Media and International Conflict (conference), 4.45

Newcastle Public Library (South Africa), 2.42

Newsday, 9.33

Newsweek, 4.3

Neutrality, 15.3, 15.14
Myth of 16.30-31

Nexis, 9.32

Nicaragua, 2.48, 3.26

Nigeria, 4.21

Nixon, Richard, 14.5

Nkomo, Mokobung, 1.21, 1.24

No Easy Walk to Freedom, (1986) 1.22, 2.34

“No Love Lost: Library Women vs. Women Who Use Libraries,” 5.1-18

Noble, David, 6/7.17, 12/13.2

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), 3.5, 3.11, 3.24-25, 4.46-47

Non-Aligned Pool, 3.13

Non-Alignment in an Age of Alignment, 1986, 3.6

Non-Governmental Organizations, 3.22, 16.43

Non-Violent Activist, 16.48

Nordenstreng, Kaarle, 3.8

North American Congress on Latin America

Northeast Research Libraries Network, 12/13.37

Norwegian Library Association, 10/11.81

“Not Three Worlds, But One!” 3.24-30

“Notes from the Front Lines at SFPL,” 12/13. 60-62

Las Noticias, 16.Supp. 37

Nuclear arms race, 2.4

Nuclear disarmament, 15.9

Nunn, Sam, 10/11/64

Nursing, 8.14

Nye, David E., 14.9

Nyongwana, Reigneth, 4.24

Nyquist, Corinne, 1.42, 2.18-20, 3.43-51, 3.55


See Organization of African Unity

OCLAE, La Organización Continental Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes, 15.51

OCLC, 6/7, 18-20, 6/7. 22, 12/13. 39-40
Corporate culture of, 6/7. 18-20, 12/13. 40

OCLC LS200, 6/1. 17

See U.S. Office of Management and Budget

OMB Circular A-130, 12/13. 58

See Operation Namibia

OSPAAAL, 15.36, 15.51-53
See also Organización de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Asia, Africa y América Latina

See Öffentlich Dienst Transport und Verkehr

Oakley, Robert L., 12/13. 53-59

Obadalek, Rennate, 15.37-40, 15.69

Objectivity, 15.14-19

O’Brien, Patrick, 3.34

O’Connor, James, 16.42

“Occupational Safety & Health Resources,” 4.59-63

Occupational segregation, 8.3, 8.16

Öffentlich Dienst Transport und Verkehr (West Germaan Librarian Union), 8.34

Official Secrecy (South Africa), 9.1-15

Oil, 5.27

Oklahoma City bombing, 16.62

Olden, Anthony, 3.45

Oldenburg, Claes, 8.37

Omnibus Children and Youth Literacy Initiative, 6.7/18

On Power and Ideology: The Managua Lectures (1987), 4.34

“One-dimensional man,” 6/7. 34-35

Onimode, Bade, 3.44

Ontario Advisory Committee on Telecommunications, 10/11.8

Open Libraries Project 9South Africa), 15.21

Open Stacks (Library of Congress), 6/7. 64-67

Operation Namibia, 15. 45-46

Operation Vula, 2.33

Oppositional movements, 16.33

Oral culture, 9.16-21

Oral documentation (Africa), 9.16-21

“Oral Documentation: The Other ‘Famine’ in African Libraries,” 9.16-21

Orality, 9.16-21

Orbis (publisher), 4.28-36

Order of Daedilians, 10/11.63

El organismo económico de la revolución (1936), 16. Supp. 4

Organización de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Asia, Africa y América Latina, 15.36, 15.51-53

Organization of African Unity, 1.19

Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America, 15.36, 15.51-53

Organizational models 10/11.32-36

Ortega y Gasset, José, 6/7. 31

Orwell, George, 9.6

See Organización de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Asia, Africa y América Latina

Ostlandritt, 8.34

“Outsourcing Federal Libraries,” 14.44-46

Ownership of media, 16.35

Oxford University Press, 12/13. 50


See Pan-African News Agency

See political correctness

“PC for Pre-Schoolers,” 5.44-46

See Social Democratic Party (Brazil)

PLC Bulletin, 2.23

“PLG Press Release on Gulf Crisis, 9/90,” 2.47-48

PLG “Resolution on New Statesman and Society,” 8.77-78

PLG Statement of Purpose, 4.72, 5. Inside back cover, 6/7. Inside back cover, 8.88, 14. 57, 15.70, 16.74

PLG Statement of Purpose [Draft], 1.42, 2.60, 3.56

“PLG Talks to the Fund for Free Expression,” 1.33

PLGNet, 12/13.38, 14.1-4

See Brazilian Worker’s Party

“P.W. Botha’s American Helpers” [Village Voice, 1/12/88], 1.2

Pacifism, 2.24

PAIS International database, 16.39

Pateman, John, 15.43

Palestine, 5.27, 8.84

Palestine Human Rights Information Center, 2.52-54, 2.59

Palestine-Israel Journal, 16.47

Palestinian viewpoint, 5.28

Palladino, Grace, 6/7.2, 6/7. 64-67

Panama, 3.52

Pan-African News Agency, 3.13

Pan-American Health Organization, 5.47-48

Paper Tiger, 3.15

Paperless society, 3.45, 10/11.93

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 2.11, 12/13. 58-59

Parenti, Michael, 10/11.12

Passions Spin the Plot (1934)

Patriarchal ideology of librarianship, 5.1-18, 6/7.30

Patrick, Valeria Ann, 16. Supp. 18-20, 16. supp. 40

“Patrons in Crisis: Where they’re Coming From—Where we’re Sending Them—A Call for Library Intervention,” 3.32

Pay-per society, 10/11.9-10

Paz, Abel, 16.Supp.6, 16. Supp. 35

Peace, 4.38-45, 5.26-30, 15.47, 15.48

Peace & Freedom, 16.48

Peace and Democracy, 16.47

“Peace letter” to Roosevelt, 2.25

Peace Magazine, 16.47

Peace News, 16.48

Peace Review, 16.48

PeaceNet, 3.12, 3.20, 3.21

Peiró, Juan, 16. Supp. 4-5, 16.Supp.21

Peiser, Bona, 8.22

Pellowski, Anne, 5.46

Pendakur, Manjunath, 3.24-30, 3.55

The Penny Magazine, 14. Cover and inside front cover

Pentagon, 3.52

People of color, 3.26, 4.40, 5.8-9, 10/11.25

People’s Daily World, 9.inside back cover

People’s Libraries (Argentina), 16. Supp.11-17

Perlman, Michael, 16.63-66

Persian Gulf Resolution, 1.91, 2-48-49, 3.2

Persian Gulf War
See Gulf War I, 2 August 1990- 28 February, 1991

Personal computers, 6/7. 4, 8.4

“A Perspective on the Book Famine,”

Peters, John Durham, 5.51-52, 6/7.17

Peters, Nancy Joyce, 8.37

Petras, James, 16.41, 16.46, 16.54

Phallocentric, 5.4

Philadelphia, 4.35

Philadelphia Inquirer, 1.28

Pienaar, Louis, 2.34

Pierce, Linda, 16. 70-72, 16.73

Pietris, Mary K.D., 1.38-39

Pilgrims, 5.38

Pirates and Emperors: International Terrorism in the Real World (1986),

Planetary corporations, 3.16-17

Playboy v. Tech Warehouse, 9.33

Plummer, Mary Wright, 10/11/49-50

Poem, 10/11/90-91

Poetry, 8.72

Poland, 2.16

Police and Prison Warders Civil Rights Union (South Africa), 2.35

Police informants (South Africa), 1.22-23

Political Affairs, 16.47

Political correctness, 4.3-4.6, 10/11.63

Political prisoners, 16.Supp, 2

Political repression, 14.51

“Politically Controversial Monographs,” 4.28-36

“Politics and Anti-Politics in Librarianship,” 3.2-4

“Politics of Information and the Fate of the Earth,” 6/7.3-14

Poor people, 1.36-37, 3.31-42, 4.40, 16.70-72, 16. Supp. 18

Poor People and Library Services (1998), 16.70-72

Poor People’s Policy (ALA), 3.4, 3.32-33

“Poor People's Services, from MSRRT,” 1.36-37

Poorman, Susan, 3.39

Popular agency, 16.35-36

Popular Culture and High Culture (1974), 6/7. 38-39

Pornographic literature, 8.34

Position Paper on the Cultural and Academic Boycott (ANC), 1989, 1.19

Poster, Mark, 10/11/54-55

Poster Art, 15.51-53

Poster Project

Postcolonialism, 16.29

Post-Gutenberg, 6/7. 24-25

Post-industrial society, 2.3-4, 2.9, 6/7. 48, 10/11.23-42, 10/11. 92-96

Postman, Neil, 9.27-28, 10/11.46

Postmodernism, 10/11/54, 15.14

Pot, Pol, 5.36

Poverty, 1.36-37, 1.40-41, 1.49, 15.44, 16. 26, 16.31-32

Power, 16. 1-25, 16.66-67

Powerlessness, 5.5-6

Prado, Antonio, 16.Sup. 1-6, 16. supp. 40

Pragmatism, 14.6

Pratt Institute Library School, 10/11.49-50

De Preez, 9.3-4

Preservation, electronic, 9.25-26, 9.25

Preston, Bill, 3.11

Pretoria, State Library in, 1.4

“Primer on WIPO,” 12/13.18-31

Prison camps, 14.51

Pritchard, Sarah, 6/7.1, 8.1-9, 8.86

Privacy, 6/7. 22-23, 9.23-25, 12/13.14

Private sphere, 8.12

Privatization, 2.6, 2.11, 3.10, 3.17

“The Pro-Machine Bias: The Fate of the Luddites,” 4.7-16

Professionalism, 5.1-18, 8.17-18, 10/11. 47, 15.14

Progress, 10/11.46-47

Progressive (definitions), 1-inside back cover

The Progressive, 16.29, 16.41, 16.45, 16.46, 16.47, 16.66-67

Progressive Librarian (journal), 2. Inside cover, (Tables of Contents, 1990- 1996, 12/13.71-75, 15.43

The Progressive Librarian Council, 2.23-2.29

“The Progressive Librarian Council and Its Founders,” 2.23-2.29

Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG)
Arbeitskreis Kritischer Bibliothekarinnen, 15.32
Conscientious objectors to corporatism, 12.13.43
Democratic movement, 3.15
Founding, 1. Inside front and back covers
Growth, 2. Inside front and back covers
Many Voices, One World vision, 3.5
Information for Social Change, 15.25
Political dimensions, 3.4
Privatization, 3.10
South Africa, support of boycott, 2.41-44
Spain, 16. Supp. 180
Statement of Purpose, 4.72, 5. Inside back cover, 6/7. Inside back cover, 8.88, 12/13.77

Progressive Librarianship, 2.8, 2.23-2.29, 5.31-34

Progressive purge, 4.3

Progressivism, 10/11.47

El proletariado militante, 16. Supp. 34

Propaganda (South Africa), 9.1-15

Propaganda model, 3.53

Protection of Information Act (South Africa), 2.35

Protestant Churches (complicity in destruction of American Indian cultures, 8.70

Protestantism, 14.6

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 16.Sup. 1, 16. Supp. 14, 16.Supp.30

Provenezo, Eugene, 5.51, 6/7. 24-25, 9.25-26

Przeworski, Adam, 10/11.95

Public domain, 12/13. 18-31

Public good, 6/7. 49, 12/13. 11

Public libraries, 2.10, 3.31-42, 6/7.8
Austria, 15. 37-40
Canada, 15.17-18
Democratic purpose of, 10/11.86, 15. 18
Environmental information, 6/7. 12-13
Legitimacy, 15.54-58
Postwar planning (WWII), 15.54-58
Social change, 4.19
Working classes, 15. 17-18

The Public Library: Democracy’s Resource: A Statement of Principles (1982), 3.38, 3.42

Public Library Policy and Social Exclusion, 15. 44-45

Public Library Inquiry, 15.54-58

Public Library Trusteeship, 1.18

Public media, 8.76

Public Policy, 4.44-45

Public space, 10/11.10, 16.34

Public sphere, 6/7.15-16, 6/7. 20, 8.4

Publications Act, 1.32, 2.34

Publishers Weekly, 1.8-9, 4.30-36

Puppets, 5.44-46


Quayle, Dan, 15.10

Québec, 14.13-21

Qu'est-ce que la propriété? Recherche sur le principe du droit et du gouvernement, (1840) 16.Supp.1

Quincentennial (Columbus’ voyage), 5.36-43
Counter-Quincentennial, 5.36-43

Quincentennial Literature, 5.36-43

Quitzow, Grace, 8.21-31 (translator)


See Regional Bell Operating Companies

Raber, Douglas, 15.54-58

Racism, 3.24, 4.3-6, 5.33, 15.16, 15.44, 15.62-64, 16. 10-11, 16.59-60

Radical activism, 15.48

Radical Historians Newsletter, 10/11.65

Radical History Review, 16.41, 16.45, 16.47

Radical immigrants, 16. Supp. 7

Radical librarians, 6/7.30, 15.46

“Radical Librarianship: Something of an Overview from the UK,” 15.41-50

Radical Research Center, 16.39

Radio, 4.42, 16.32

Radio Marti, 3.26

Radway, Janice A., 5.10-11

Ragan, Robin, 16.Sup. 1-6, 16. supp. 40

Rasimus, Edward J. 15.13

Raven Press, Bloemfontein, S.A., 1.22

Readers, 16. Supp.13, 16. Supp. 25

Reader-response criticism, 5.10-12

Reader’s Forum, 8.81-85

Reading Circles, 16. Supp. 19, 16. Supp. 37

Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy and Popular Literature (1984), 5.10-12

Reagan, Ronald, 1. 2, 1.41, 2.3, 2.11, 2.48, 3.9, 3.17, 3.25, 3.31, 3.52, 4.33, 5.36, 10/11.15-16, 10/11, 94, 14.5, 16.27

Reason, 10/11/46-47

The Rebel Poet, 1.40

Reclus, Elisée, 16.Supp. 13, 16.Supp.30

Red Army Faction, 8.34

Red Pepper, 16.47

Red Scare, 16. Supp. 8

Redfield, J.S., 12/13. Cover and inside front cover, 14 cover and inside front cover

Regeneration, 16. Supp. 9

Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs), 6/7.1718

Reid, Barrett, 4.18-19

Reinecke, Ian, 4.7

Reilly, Joseph, 1.inside cover, 1.16-17, 1.21-24, 1.42, 1.41-44, 1.59, 3.22, 15.25

Reilly, Melissa, 12/13. 60-62, 12/13. 76, 14. Inside front cover

Renewable power, 2.49

Republican National Convention, 10/11.71

The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction (1979), 5.5-6

Resolution on Israeli Censorship, 14.3
“Resolution on Loyalty Oaths,” 5.35

“Resolution on New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library,” 10/11.86
“Resolution on the Importance of Freedom of Expression and Free Access to Information, “ 10/11. 83-85.
“Resolution on the Library of Congress,”-American Historical Association, 6/7. 68-69

Resolution on New Statesman and Society,” 8.77-78
“A Response,” 5.51-52
Restitution of books, 15.35
Retired Officers Association, 10/11.63
Review of African Political Economy, 16.47

Reviewers as Censors, 4.34

Revista Blanca, 16.Supp. 30, 16. Supp. 37

Revisionist historians, 16. 37

Revolutionary consciousness, 6/7. 42

Rhodes, Glenda, 3.33

Ribeiro, Fabian, assassinated, 9.3

Ribeiro, Florence, assassinated, 9.3

“Ricardo Mestre (1906-1997): A Man Who Died Disseminating ‘the Idea,’” 16.Supp.21-29

Rich, Adrienne, 5.1

Richards, Margaret, 9.37

Rider University, 12/13. 14

Riefenstahl, Leni, 6/7. 36

Riera, José, 16.Supp.22
See Mestre, Ricardo

The Right to Know, 9.12

The Right to Know (ALA Conference theme, 1992), 4.66

The Right to Know (1990) review, 3.532-53

The “Right” political, 4.6, 5.37, (France)12/13. 63-68, 14.6

Rigney, Daniel, 14.8

Riley, Melissa, 15. Inside front cover

Ríos, Francese, 16. Supp. 35

Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 16.Supp. 21

Rivonia Trial, 9.3

Roach, Colleen, 3.5-23

Robinson, Charles, 6/7.24

Rockefeller, Nelson, 6/7.17

Rocker, Rudolf, 16.Supp. 22

Rojas, Eliseo, 16.Supp. 30

The Role of Women in Librarianship: 1876-1976: The Entry, Advancement and Struggle for Equalization in One Profession (1979), 8.11

Romance novels, 5.10-11, 6/7. 49

Romani Holocaust, 1.38

Rondonia, 5.43

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 2.24, 14.5

Roots, 6/7. 49

The Roots of American Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Power and Purpose (1969), 16.38

Rose, Charlie Congressman, 6/7. 66-67

Rose, Lance, 9.22-35, 9. Inside back cover

Rosemont, Franklin, 8.36, 8.37

Rosemont, Penelope, 8.36

Rosenzweig, Mark, 1. Inside front cover, 1. 2-15, 1.42, 2. Inside front cover, 2.2-8, 2.59, 3. Inside front cover, 3.2-4, 3.5-23, 3.55, 4.2, 5. Inside front cover, 6/7. Inside front cover, 8. Inside front cover, 8.32-35 (translator), 8.36-39, 9.inside front cover, 10/11. Inside front cover, 10/11.2, 12/13. Inside front cover, 12/13. 69-70, 12/13. 76, 14. Inside front cover, 14.1-4, 4.47-50, 15. Inside front cover, 15.3, 15.65, 16.inside front cover, 16.Sup. i

Rotenberg, Marc, 9.23

Rothstein, Samuel, 14.7

Royal Library of Belgium, 16. Supp. 14

Rozsak, Theodore, 6/7.1, 6/7.3-14, 6/7. 70-71, 8.2, 8.9

Ruckelshaus, Wlliam, 16.3

Ruggiero, Renato, 12/13. 46

Ruiz, Cano, 16.Supp. 30

Rushdie, Salman, 8.34

Russia, 16.43

Russian Revolution, 6/7. 32


See Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförening

See South African Communist Party

See South African Institute of Library and Information Science

SDS, 6/7. 43

SEC, 9.34

See Sociedad para el Estudio de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo

SEIU, 4.59

See Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College

See Social Responsibilities Round Table

Saatchi & Saatchi, 3.16

Sabosik, Patricia E. 4.30-31

Sabotage, 4.11-12

Sacco, Nicola, 16. Supp. 9

Sacco and Vanzetti, 16. Supp. 9

Sachs, Albie, 9.6

Salaberria, Ramon, 16.Supp. entire issue

Salem affair (Liberian tanker delivers Kuwait oil to South Africa), 9.3, 9.8

Sale, Kirkpatrick, 5.41-5,42

Salvador Seguí Foundation for Libertarian Studies (Madrid), 16. Supp.32-33

Samizdat documents, 14.51

San Francisco Public Library, 12/13. 60-62

Sanchez, Joseph, 5.40

Sanctions Handbook (1987), 1.8

Sand Creek Massacre (1865), 5.39

Sanders, Gary, 4.35-36

Sandinistas, 3.26

Sandoval, Enrique, 16.Supp. 23

Sanger, Margaret, 10/11. 68

Santillán, Diego Abad de, 16.Supp. 4

Sar, Saloth
See Pol Pot

Sarmiento, Domingos F., 8.70

Sarney, José, 6/7, 52-61

Satellite communications, 3.22

Saudi Arabia, 2.49

Savimbi, Jonas, 9.5

Scandanavian Resolution concerning freedom of expression in Turkey, 10/11. 79-82, 10/11. 84

Schatzberg, Karin, 8.22-23

Schiller, Anita, 6/7.16-17

Schiller, Herbert I., 2.10, 2.15-22, 2.59, 3.8, 3.11, 3.20, 5.52, 6/7/16-17, 10/11.19, 16. 26-36

Schmück, Jocken, 16.Supp.16

Schneider, Karen G., 14.10

Schniderman, Saul, 4.53-58, 4.71

“The School and the Barricade,” 16. Supp.11-17

School of Library Economy, Columbia University, 10/11.49-50

Schooling and the Struggle for Public Life (1988), 10/11/20

Schools, 6/7.15, 6/7. 30, 6/7. 42

Schreibman, Vigdor, 12/13. 45-48, 12/13. 76

Schwenninger, Sherle, 16. 46

Scientific management, 10/11.35, 10/11. 50-51

“Searches with No Direct Hits/Words. An OPAC-generated list,” 10/11.90-91

“Searching for the ‘Enemy:’ Alternative Resources on U.S. Foreign Policy,” 16. 37-50

Sechaba, (official journal of the ANC), 1.22, 1.32, 2.34

Secrecy (South Africa), 9.1-15

Security legislation 2.31-32,

“Seeds of Change” [National Museum of Natural History], 5.38-40

Seers, 8.72

Segal, Howard, 10/11/8

Segui, Salvador, 16. Supp. 32-33

Seidel, Heike, 14.34-40, 14.55

“Selected Bibliography of Alternative Books on U.S. Foreign Policy,” 16.51-65

“Selected Bibliography of Alternative Sources for Latin America,” 16.56-58

Self-determination, 16. 37

Sellen, Betty-Carol, 15.6

Semana Tragica, 16. Supp. 33

Separate Amenities Act, 2.31, 2.42, 4.48

Serbia, 16.43

Serbs, 16.43

“Service Undermined by Technology: An Examination of Gender Relations, Economics and Ideology,” 10/11.9-22

Sex, 5.19-25

Sex segregation, 8.3-4

Sexism, 3.24, 4.3-6

Sexton, Ron, 8.32-35 (translator)

Shah, T. D., Mrs. 9.36

Shamy, Salwa M., 1.34, 1.42

Sharpeville Massacre, March 21, 1960 (South Africa), 1.18-19

Shaw, G.B., 8.77

Sheffield Scientific School, 10/11.47

Shalom, Stephen, 16.41, 16.46, 16.55

Shils, Edward, 6/7.38-41

Shopping malls, 2.17, 16.34

Shore, Elliott, 1.inside cover ,1.42

Showalter, Elaine, 5.6-7

Sierra, Judy, 5.44-46

Silberberg, Sophie, 1.33

Simians, Cyborgs, and Women (1991), 15.15

Simmons, Alma Wyden, 5.17

Simmons, Randall, 3.38-39

Sindicato de Espectáculos, 16.Supp. 34

Singham, A.W., 3.6, 3.15

Sister libraries, 3.46

Sisulu, Walter Max, 2.30, 9.11

Sitting Bull, 8.69

Slovevnis, 16.42

Slovo, Joe, 2.30

Small Press, 4.35

Small Press Book Fair, 2.50

“Small Press Center,” 2.50-51

Small presses, 2.50-51, 4.28-36, 12/13. 35-36

Smith, Merritt Rose Smith, 10/11.46

Smithsonian Institution, 10/11.60-78

Smythe, Dallas, 3.20

Snyder, Mitch, 3.32

Social accountability, 16.33-34

Social change, 5.47

Social crisis, 16.34-35

Social Democratic Party (PDS, Brazil), 6/7.60

Social exclusion, 15.44

Social isolation, 1.36

Social justice, 2.7, 3.3, 6/7. 42, 12/13.10, 15.44

Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT), 1.2, 1.16, 1.17, 1.20, 15.25
Alternatives in Print Task Force, 12/13. 39
ACONDA, 15.5, 15.8
Conscience of ALA, 14.2
Conscientious objectors to corporatism, 12.13.43
Enola Gay, 10/11. 62, 10/11.70-71
Feminist Task Force, 8.11
Founding (1969), 15.4
Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 6/7. 26, 14.39, 15.1
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Task Force, 15.1
Guidelines for Librarians Interacting with South Africa, 1.20
International Human Rights Task Force, 1.18, 8.84
International Responsibilities, 16.51
“Librarians Against War: an Open Letter,” 14.1-4, 4.47-50
Persian Gulf, 2.49
Resolution on the “Together is Better…Let’s Read,” [McDonald’s adv. Campaign], 14.2-3
Role in librarianship, 15. 1-13
‘Social Responsibility around the World,’ 15.20-50

Social responsibility, 2.7, 3.4, 15.1-13

“Social Responsibility around the World,” 15. 20-50

Social Responsibility in Librarianship (1989), 15.12

“Social Responsibility vs. the Library Bill of Rights,” 15.6

Social Studies, 16.Supp. 22

Social work, 8.14

Socialism, 3.14, 10/11, 95, 15.27, 14.44, 16.32

Socialist critique of mass culture, 6/7. 31-32

Socialist International, 16.Supp. 2

Socialist party, 9. Inside back cover

Socialist Scholars Conference -9th, 3.5-23; 9.22-35

Socialist/Third World alliance, 3.9

Societal Para el Studio de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo, 16.Supp. 33

Society for Electronic Access, 9.33

Sojourners, 16.47

Soldevila, Cardinal, 16.Supp.4

Solidaridad Obrera 16. Supp. 5, 16. Supp. 22, 16.Supp. 37

Soley, Laurence, 3.53

SOLINET, 12/13. 39-40

Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College, 1.21, 1.24, 5.47

Somerville, Mary, 12/13. 59

Somovia, Juan, 3.19-20

Songs of the Spanish Civil War, 16.Supp. 22

Soros Foundation, 14.51

South Africa, 1. 2-15, 1.16-17, 1.18-20, 1.21-24, 1.25-28, 4.17-27, 4.49-50, 10/11.79-80, 16.60, 61, 62
Advisory Committee on Land Reform, ACLA, 9.4
Apartheid, 1.2-15, 1.18,1.21-24, 1.25-28, 1.30, 2.31, 2.41-44, 3.4, 4.17-27, 4.49-50, 9.5
Arbitrary government power, 9.2
“Archives Act,” 9.2, 9.6
Bantu education, 4.49
Book boycott, 1.2-15
Centre for Educational Policy Development, 15.21
Civil Cooperation Bureau, 9.4
Civil Rights, 4.49-50
CODESA, Convention for a Democratic South Africa, 9.4
Cultural boycott, 3.37, 4.51-52
Election Day Messages from South African Librarians, 9.36-37
Freedom of Information, 9.1-15
Human rights, 9.1
Illiteracy, 4.17
“Indemnity Act,” 9.2
Kempton Park negotiations, 9.10-11
Librarians as cowards, 9.11-12
Librarians’ messages on Election Day, 9.36-37
Libraries, 1.21-24, 4.17-27 , 4.49
Library and Information Workers Organization (LIWO, South Africa), 2. Inside front cover, 2.42, 2.43-44, 2.59, 4.37, 4.49-50, 9.3, 9. Inside back cover, 10/11.87-89,15.20-26
Motsuenyane Commission, 9.6
Masizame Community Project, 15.29
National education Policy investigation, 15.21-22
National Indemnity Council, 9.5
National Intelligence Service, 9.6
National Security Management System, 9.6
Nuclear capability, 9.3, 9.4
Official secrecy, 9.1-15
Open Libraries Project, 15.21
Police informants, 1.22-23
Poverty, 4.17
Propaganda, 9.1-15
“Protection of Information Act,” 9.2, 9.3, 9.9
Racial discrimination, 4.49-50
Secrecy, 9.1-15
“Statistics Act,” 9.2
Statutory Censorship, 9.1-15
Transitional Executive Council, 9/11
Unification Debate, 87-89
White elite, 9.1

South Africa: The Peasants’ Revolt (1964), 2.34

“The South Africa "Book Boycott": Censorship or Solidarity?”, 1. 2-15
Bibliography, 1.13-15

South African Communist Party, 1.3, 1.4, 1.30, 2.31-32

South African Council of Churches, 1.21, 1.27

South African Institute of Library and Information Science, 1.3, 1.5-6, 1.16, 1.17, 2. Inside front cover, 2.42-43, 10/11.89, 15. 20-21
Apartheid, 15.21

South African Journal for Librarianship, 1.5

South African Journal of Library and Information Science, 15.21

South African State Library, 1.4, 1.35

South and Meso-American Indian Information Center, 5.43

Southall, Roger 4.31-32

Soviet Union, 3.25, 5.47, 10/11. 64-65, 14.51

Soviet-style Communism, 2.4

Soweto, South Africa, 4.24

Soweto Uprisng (1976), 1.21

Spam, 6/7. 5

“Spanish Anarchives: A Directory,” 16.Supp. 30-39

Spanish Civil War, 2.24, 16. Supp. Entire issue

Spanish Loyalists, 2.23

Spanish Revolution of 1936, 16. Supp. 14

Sparanese, Ann, 16.56-58, 16.73

Sparks, Allister, 1.27

Special Libraries Association, 12/13. 42

“Speech by Wayne Kelly, the Superintendent of Documents, to the Federal Documents Task Force at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting in Washington, DC,” Feb. 15, 1997, 12/13. 49-53

Spinnboden Lesbenarchive Berlin (Spinning-Room Lesbian Archive, Berlin), 8.24

Sports, 6/7. 42, 16.34

Sports statistics, 12/13. 25-30

St. Petersburg, Russia, 14.51-53

St. Petersburg Center for Gender Issues, 14. 52-53

Stack, Bill, 1.Inside front cover, 2.Inside front cover, 3.Inside front cover, 3.23, 4.2, 5. Inside front cover, 6/7. Inside front cover

“Statement of Robert L. Oakley, Director of the Law Library and professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Edward B. Williams Law Library on Behalf of the American Library Association, American Association of Law Libraries, Association of Research Libraries, Special Libraries Association before the Subcommittee on Legislative House Committee Appropriations on the FY 1998 Appropriations for the Government Printing Office, February 12, 1997.” 12/13. 53-59.

Stalinism, 2.7

Starr, Paul, 10/11.47

The Starvation of Young Black Minds: The Effect of Book Boycotts in South Africa: Report of a Fact-Finding Mission to South Africa, May 18-19, 1989, 1.2, 1.16-17, 1.18-20, 1.33

“The Starvation of Young Black Minds? A Critique,” 1.18-20

State of Emergency (South Africa), 1.30, 2.30-31

State library agencies, 2.23

“Statement and Resolution to the IFLA Conference, Moscow, August, 1991,” 4.48-50

STATS, Inc. 12.13.29

Statutory censorship (South Africa), 2.35-36

Steel, Helen, 15.60-61

Strategy and Tactics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1976), 16.Supp.4

Street Library program, 16.71--72

Stenstrom, Pat, 9.21

Stilwell, Christine, 4.17-27, 4.71, 9.36-37

Stonewall Uprising, 1969, 15.10

Storck, Joel, 16.42

Structuration, 14.14-15

The Struggle is my Life, 1.21

“Study to Identify Measures Necessary for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program,” (June, 1966), 12/13. 54

Stultz, Newell, 4.31-32

Subject headings, 5.19-25, 8.30

Sub-Sahara, 3.43

Sugarcane industrialists (Brazil), 6/7.52, 55

Sukarno, 3.25

“Superhighways, Work and Infrastructure in the Information Age: A Symposium,” 9.22-9.35.

“Suppression of Information Under Israeli Rule: A Bibliography,” 2.52-54

Surrealism, 8.36-39

“Surrealism-Chicago Style,” 8.36-39

Surrealist Manifesto (1924), 8.71

Surrealist Movement
Australia, 8.72
Buenos Aires, 8.72
Czechoslovakia, 8.73
Madrid, 8.73
Paris, 8.73
Sao Paulo, 8.73
Stockholm, 8.73
United States, 8.73

Surveillance of workers, 6/7. 22-23

Surviving Together, 16.48

Sussman, Leonard, 3.11

Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförening, 15.29-39

Swathmore College Peace Collection, 15.48

Sweden, 5.31-34, 15. 27-30

Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions, 15.30

Swedish International Development Authority, 15. 22

Swedish Library Association, 10/11.81, 15.29-30

Swedish Public Library Investigation (1984), 5.32

Swedish Writer’s Union, 15. 29

Switzer, Donna, 1.4-5

Syndicalism, 16. Supp. 5

Symons, Anne, 14.3-4

Syria, 2.48


See Taxpayer Asset Project

See Transnational corporations

See Transforming Our Library and Information Services

Taking Liberties: National Barriers to the Free Flow of Ideas (1990) (review), 4.66-69

Tales from Times Square (1989), 5.20-21

Tambo, Oliver, 2.35

Tanzania, 4.21

Tárrida del Marmol, Fernando, 16.37

Taxpayer Asset Project, 9.33-34

Taylor, Frederick, 10/11.50

Taylorizing work, 10/11.26-27, 14.8

Teachers for a Democratic Culture, 4.6

Technics, 10/11/44, 10/11.49

Technological determinism, 10/11.48-49

Technological subterfuge, 16.35

Technological utopianism, 10/11/9-12

Technology, 5.47-50, 6/7. 15-29, 8.1-9, 10/11.9-22, 10/11.43-59, 12/13.1-6, 14.9- 10, 16.33-34, 16.63-66

“Technology and Library and Information Science: Question or Answer?” 10/11.43-59

Technopornographic, 3.18

Telecommunications, 12/13. 45

Television, 6/7. 42, 44-49, 16.32

Television flow, 3.8, 4.42

"Television Traffic-A One-Way Street." UNESCO Reports and Papers on Mass Communication No. 70 (1974), 3.8

Telos, 2.2

Tembisa, South Africa, 4.24

Templeton, Rini, 2.cover, 2.8, 2.40, 2.51, 2.58

Temps Nouveaux, 16. Supp. 15

Tenured Radicals (1990), 4.3

Terp, Holger, 15. 48

Terra Lliure, 16. Supp. 22

Thatcher, Margaret, 16.27

Theme parks, 2.17

They Seek a City (1944), 1.40

Third World, 3.5-23, 3.23-30, 3.45, 4.40, 16.38

Third World Quarterly, 16.41, 16.48

Thomas-Harrison Bill, 2.23

Three worlds, 3.24

Thürmer-Rohr, Christina, 8.18-19

Tierra y Libertad, 16.Supp. 37

Time-Warner, 3.16

The Times Miscovers the ANC,” (reprinted from Lies of Our Times), 1.25-28

Thistlethwaite, Polly, 15.16

Tiananmen Square, 10/11/68

Tin Pan Alley, 6/7. 49

Tito, Josip Broz, 3.25

To Live in Utopia, 16. Supp. 34-35

“Together is Better…Let’s Read,” [McDonald’s adv. Campaign], 14.2-3

Toffler, Alvin, 10/11.8

Tolstoy, (Lev Nikolayevich), Leo, 16.Supp.24

Totemeyer, Andree Jeanne, 1.9

Toth, James, 16.42

Toward Freedom, 16.47

“Towards a New World Information and Communication Order: A Symposium,” 3.5-22

Tracings, 5.20

The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (1962), 16.37

Tramontana, 16.Supp. 37

Transcendental worldview, 12/13.3

Transforming Our Library and Information Services (South Africa), 10/11.88 15.22

TRANSLIS (South Africa), 10/11.88, 15.21

Transnational corporations (TNCs), 2.6, 2.9-11, 2.18, 3.9, 6/7. 47

Transvaal Resource Centre Network, 4.50

Transvaal Supreme Court, 9.6

Trash (reading material designation), 5.1-18, 6/7. 30

Traven, B.

Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 16.Supp. 22

Testimonies, 16.Supp. 22

Tricontinental, 15.51-52

Tronchet, Lucien, 16. Supp. 14

Triumph of the Will (1936), 6/7. 36

Trudeau, Pierre, 4.67

Truman, Harry S. 10/11/64, 14.5

“The Truth About Giving Readers Free Access to the Books in a Public Lending Library,” (1895), 6/7. Front cover

Tshwete, Steve, 2.30

Tubau, Josep, 16. Supp. 36

Tulsa Public Library, 3.36-37, 3.40

Tupac-Amaru, 8.69

Turkey, 2.48, 10/11.80-82, 14.3-4

Turkish Anti-Terrorism Law, 10/11.81-82, 10/11.84

Turkish Communication Research Association, 4.46


See Unification of Library and Information Stakeholders

UNITA União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), 9.5

See Soviet Union

U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 12/13. 57

U.S.C. Title 44, 12/13. 56-59

Uganda, 3.43

Umafrika, 2.38

Umbral, 16.Supp. 37

Unbanning (South Africa), 2.30, 4.48

Unclassified, 16.48

“Understanding Information Media in the Age of Neoliberalism: The Contributions of Herbert Schiller,” 16. 26-36

Unemployed librarians, 15.46-47

UNESCO, 1.18, 3.24-30
GII, 12/13. 46
Manifesto on public libraries, 5.34
New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO), 3.5-23
Peace-making body, 4.47
Resolution 8 (regarding apartheid and colonialism), 1.18
United States withdrawal, 3.5-15, 3.26

União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola

Unification of Library and Information Stakeholders (South Africa), 10/11.87- 89

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
See Soviet Union

Union for Democratic Communications, 3.11, 3.15

Unions, 1.40, 4.53-58, 4.65, 5.33, 8.34-35, 16. Supp.12

United Democratic Front, 1.3, 1.19, 1.20, 1.31, 2.33, 2.37, 2.42, 15.20

United Kingdom, 3.10, 15.41-50

United Nations, 1.19, 1.28, 2.41-44, 2.49, 3.5, 15. 46, 16.42
Centre for Science and Technology for Development, 3.45
Special Committee against Apartheid, 4.51

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992, “Earth Summit,” 6/7.13

United States
Archives, 9.25
Bosnia, 16. 42-43
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 3.22, 16.44
Congress, 10/11. 60-78
Department of Defense, 10/11.67
Domestic Council Committee, 6/7. 17
Environmental Protection Agency, 4.68, 16.3
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 2.27
Federal Depository Libraries 12/13/ 49-53, 12/13. 53-59
Foreign Policy, 16. 37-50, 16.51-65
Government Printing Office, 12/13.36, 12/13. 49-53, 12/13. 53-59
House Committee on Un-American Activities, 2.27, 4.68
Imperialist, 16. 37-50.
Information Agency, 1.12, 3.20, 3.45, 4.35, 4.68-69
Library of Congress
See Library of Congress
Manufacture of consent, 4.33
Military bases, 3.26, 16.30
Military budget, 4.33
National Cancer Institute, 12/13.49-50
National Security Agency, 9.34
National Security Council, 9.25
National Science Foundation, 6/7.16
Division of Scientific Information, 6/7.16
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 2.11, 14.44
Office of Technology Assessment, 12/13. 52
Patent and Trademark Office, 12/13.19, 12/13.27
Propaganda, 4.33
Public Printer, 12/13. 53-59
Security and Exchange Commission, 12.23
State Department, 1.12, 1.27, 3.22, 3.25, 4.67
Superintendent of Documents, 12/13/ 49-53
Supreme Court, 6/7. 12-18, 9.24, 12/13.18
Treasury, 15.51
War Department, 2.27

United States Trade Representative, 12.13. 45

United States, policy towards Cuba, 9.38-39

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 8.84, 10/11.80
Article 19, 10/11.80-82, 10/11. 83-85

Universal homogeneous state, 2.2

University of California, San Diego
16. 30

University of Chicago, 16.32

University of Florida, 5.38

University of Illinois,
Schiller, Herbert, 16.28-29
Student ALA Chapter, 5.34

University of Maryland
College of Library and Information Sciences, 3.35, 4.17
Samuel Gompers Papers, 6/7. 65

University of Michigan, 16. Supp. 7,-10
Labadie Collection, 16.Sup. I, 16. Supp. 7-10

University of Natal, 1.32, 4.22

University of South Florida, 16.72

Uprising in Palestine, 2.54

Upskilled, 10/11.25

Uris, Leon, 5.29

Utility, 14.6-7

Utilization from databases, 12/13.21-22

Utopian vision of technology, 10/11.9-10


VDT (song), 4.64-65

“VDT Survey, AFSCME Locals 2477 and 2910, Library of Congress,” 4.53-58

van Zijl, Philip, 15.20

Van Niekerk, Philip, 9.6

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 16. Supp. 9

Varis, Tapio, 3.8

Venturella, Karen M., 3.31-42, 3.55, 16.70-72

Verein Frauenwohl (Association for Women’s Prosperity), 8.21-23

Veterans of Foreign Wars, 10/11. 60-78

Victory Book Campaign, 15.57

Vidal, John, 15.59-61

Video display terminals (VDTs), 4.53-58, 8.3

Vietnam, 3.16, 3.26, 9.38

Vietnam War, 16.38

Vilanova (Spain), 16. Supp. 21, 23, 24

Villanovense, 16. Supp.25


Voluntary Service Overseas, 15. 43

Virtual libraries, 6/7. 21-22, 12/13.37

Virtual library, 10/11.13

Vivir la Utopía, 16.Supp. 35-35, 16. supp. 38

Volksbuchereien, 15.37

Von Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie, 8.22

Vrye Weekblad, 2.33, 2.35, 2.36, 9.3-4, 9.11

Vyrheid, 4.21


See World Intellectual Property Association

See World Trade Organization

Wallace, Mike, 10/11.65

Walsh, Dan, 15.51

Wang word processor, 9.31-32

War, 16.61
War Resisters League, 2.49, 15.42

Ward, John, 4.18

Warrior, Robert Allen, 5.42

Washington Post, 1.27, 1.28

Webb, Beatrice, 8.77

Webb, Sydney, 8.77

Webster, David, (assassinated) 2.35, 9.3

Wedgeworth, Robert, 1.2, 1.7, 1.10-11, 1.12, 1.16, 1.20, 1.29-30, 1.33

Wedgeworth/Drew report
See The Starvation of Young Black Minds

The Weed King and Other Stories (1985)

Weeding, 12/13.60-62

Weibel, Kathleen, 8.11

Welfare hotels, 3.36

Weskott, Father Martin, 15.33

West Africa, 3,46

West Bank, 2.48

West, Celeste, 12/13.38

West Germany, 15.33

West Publishing, 12/13.20-21, 12/13.23, 12/13.27

Western canon, 6/7. 30

Western control of information, 3.8-23

Western culture, 4.3-6, 5.8-9, 6/7.30, 8.72

Western Europe, 3.13

Western Librarianship, 5.1-18

Western Sahara, 2.49


Westzonen, 8.32

Wettmark, Lennart, 5. Inside front cover, 5.31-34, 5.34, 15. 27-30, 15.69

What is Property? (1840), 16.Supp. 1

“What Price Freedom?” NYPL Centennial exhibit 10/11.68

“What’s Public is Propaganda, What’s Secret is Serious: Official Secrecy and Freedom of Information in South Africa,” 9.1-15

“When Freedom to Read Suffers” [Publishers Weekly, 7/17/87], 1.8

White House Conference on Library and Information Science, 6/7. 18

The White Rose, 10/11.68

White, Herbert S., 3.32

White ruling class (South Africa) 1.5, 1.30

Who Knows: Information in the Age of the Fortune 500 (1981), 16.33-34

“Why Deny the Children?” [Publishers Weekly, 10/9/87], 1.9

Wiegand, Wayne A. 4.66, 15.57

Wilde, Oscar, 10/11/68

Will, George, 3.26

Willett, Charles, 4.28-36, 4.71, 12/13.44

Williams, Appleman Williams, 16. 37,16.38-39, 16.55

Williams, David, 8.81-85, 8.86

Winner, Langdon, 9.30

Winter, Michael, 6/7. 21-23, 14.5-12, 14.55

Wired, 12/13.3

Wiretap, 9.24

“Wise Use” agenda, 6/7.11

Witbank Public Library (South Africa), 2.42

Witt, John M. 15.1

Wolfe, Tom, 2.2

Wolpe, Harold, 1.32

Germany, 8.10-8.20, 8.21-31
Librarians, 5.1-18, 8.1-9
See also, Social Responsibilities Round Table, Feminist Task Force
Library Users, 5.1-18, 6/7.30, 8.1-9, 15.9
Literacy, 4.25
Workers, 8.1-9

Women Against Military Madness, 2.49

Women Library Workers, 8.11

Women’s Archive in Osnabrück. 8.26

Women’s archives (Germany), 8.21-31

“Women’s Collections: Libraries, Archives and Consciousness,” 8.22

Women’s issues, 3.13, 4.3-6, 10/11.25

Women’s libraries (Germany), 8.21-31

Women’s literature, 8.21-31

Women’s studies, 8.5

Women’s Summer University (Munich), 14.34

Woodcock, George, 16. Supp. 15

Woodrum, Pat, 3.36-37

Woo, Janice
American Libraries article on SRRT “Guidelines for Librarians Interacting with South Africa” interpreted as boycott exemption, 1.18, 1.20

Words of a Rebel, 16.Supp. 2

Work, 10/11. 23-42

“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” 6/7. 35-36, 6/7.40

Work Circle of Critical Library Workers, 8.35

“Work Circle of Critical Library Workers, (“Arbeitskreis Kritische Bibliothekarinnen,”) Who We Are-What We Want,” 8.32-35

Workers’ Library (Johannesburg), 4.25

Workers Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark, 15.48

Workers Solidarity, 16. Supp. 5

Working classes, 4.41, 6/7/32, 6/7. 41-43, 16. Supp. 8

Workplace democracy, 2.57, 8.84

World Association of Christian Communication, 3.11

World Bank, 3.27, 15.67

“World Bank Protest Letter; 6/29/98), 15.67

World Intellectual Property Association, 12/13.18-31

World Press Freedom Committee, 3.10

World Policy Journal, 16.47, 16.58

World Report, 3.12

A World to Win (1935), 1.40

World Trade Organization, 12/13. 45

World War I, 3.2, 6/7. 32, 16. Supp. 7-10

World War II veterans, 10/11. 60-78

World Watch Institute, 6/7.11

Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890, 5.38

Wren, Christopher, 1.25-1.27, 1.28

Wright, Christopher, 1.35

Wyley, Chantelle, 15.23



Yeats, William Butler, 12/13/52

Yewell, John, 5.42

Yugoslavia, 3.25, 16.42-43


Z Magazine, 16.41, 16.45, 16.46, 16.47

Zaid, Gabriel, 16.Supp. 22

Zed (publisher), 4.28-36

Zell, Hans, 3.43

Ziervogel, Christian, 15.20

Zimbabwe, 9.11

Zola, Emile, 16.Supp. 23

Zuboff, Shoshana, 6/7. 22-23, 10/11.30-35, 10/11.39

Zumbi dos Palmares, 8.69